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  1. B

    Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log

    So, it's been a little more than 1 month since I started growing and here are the results : Collection of mainly Butch T's outside in my greenhouse. Nice and Toasty in there Weird seed in a can. Choc Hab I think Bhut's still inside under lights, will probably remain that way for a few...
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    Delayed Stomach Pain

    Actually, I had this happen to me the other day, from an extract. There was a constellation of bad choices that led to it i.e. empty stomach, ibuprofen and illness anyway. Ugh, worst train trip ever. But I have never got it from a chilli itself, just extracts.
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    Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log

  4. B

    Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log

    Finished my re-potting into large plastic tumblers. Gonna have to get another light, its about to become a jungle in there! Jalapeno have start sprouting heir second set of leaves
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    Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log

    So, lack of space has cut my C. Frutensens experiment short. I guess my eyes got bigger than my house... Nonetheless, they have been germinating for about 2 weeks and the results are as follows: Control (Water Soak): 4/6 Soak and Sand: 5/6 Vinegar: 2/6 Epsom Salts: 2/6 Weak Fert: 5/6 Strong...
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    seeds Seeds in a Can

    It say that on the can as well. But the can also say "the university in mexico confirms they're the hottest", but we sell Bhuts in the same can, which it says that "the Guinness Book of world records has confirmed this as the hottest". Yes, well done, Obviously neither is correct, The standee at...
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    seeds Seeds in a Can

    100% Mr Gas, it is totally vermeculite. This is the website if anyone has seen, bought or tried these before
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    Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log

    I had read about Potassium Nitrate as a possible soak. I think that as well as possibly providing some Potassium and Nitrogen to the seed, that when mixed with water would form Nitric Acid which could soften the kernel a little. As for bottom watering the jiffies, I might just do that. I was...
  9. B

    Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log

    So it's my first time growing chillies from seed, and my first time growing anything in the minute space that Sydney city would have me believe is an apartment. Nonetheless, I believe I have a fairly good little germination area kicking along. Having bought some seeds last year, I decided to...
  10. B

    seeds Seeds in a Can

    I found these "chillies in a can" at my work at Australian Geographic. They claim to contain Chocolate Habs. They seem to be growing in some kind of wood shaving/saw dust, and have some cotton wool at the bottom. They obviously contain a plant. as I have one that has sprouted as of today...