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  1. T

    chinense bhut seed help...

    pods are ripe. and still fresh. I remember a few years ago i tried that and mold started to grow on the seeds, and the small bits if pepper on them. I really dont want to get down and dirty with these guys... i toothpicked 1 the other day and tongue tested it. WOW!!!! would a low over hurt...
  2. T

    chinense bhut seed help...

    Hello fellow pepper people. I have a quick question about some bhuts that i rescently received. About 2 yrs i ordered a bunch of exotic hot pepper seeds from a company i found online. didnt have to much luck. i gave a few seeds to a friend... and the same happened with his attempt. But then he...
  3. T

    Bhut help...

    Hello fellow pepper people. I am from 513... that is in ohio. i have been growing and dabbling with peppers for about 3 yrs now.