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  1. P

    Peppers flowering way too early

    So I recently transplanted my peppers from their starter pots to full sized ones, and a few days later, they are already starting to flower. I got started pretty late, I think I planted the seeds around the beginning of May, so they are not very old. The plants themselves are between 4 and 10...
  2. P

    Help identifying peppers

    I know it's not a banana, because I only ordered seeds for hot peppers. I don't remember ordering medusa either, but it's possible. I found a few of the seed packets, there was charleston, long red slim, bishop's crown, jamaican hot, thai dragon, and thai sun. Jamaican and bishops crown are...
  3. P

    Help identifying peppers

    Oops looks like I messed up the IMG url, this should work: or...
  4. P

    Help identifying peppers

    Hey, so this is my first attempt at growing peppers (well second, but the cat ate them before they flowered so it doesn't count) and while it is going pretty well, I was terribly unorganized and neglected to label any of my seedlings. To make matters worse, I threw out the seed packets and...