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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    ok, I got my camera with the macro lens back from the guy I lent it to. Here goes.... I took some sample leaves of what had me concerned. I noticed some of the lower leaves are unaffected and show much smoother and without these clumps of "white hairs" as seen in these pics. Not too sure what...
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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    I will keep the corn meal in mind, but I am not as worried about fungus in the soil... fungus will grow in soil afterall. I am more concerned about these white growths on the bottoms of my jolokia leaves. I am undecided as to what it is, it could be related to some insect, but its only on the...
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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    Actually, I considered that, been trying to go light on fertilizer and then ratchet it up as I get more comfortable with them and their needs. Though its all new soil from bags, so I figured it probably wouldn't need much right off the bat, so I only gave them a light feeding early on. The big...
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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    All I have is the camera phone atm, but they don't look like insects up close. I have one of those handheld microscopes you can get for $5 at radio shack... so its not the easiest thing to sight in. What it looked like to me, under the 100x was translucent filiments. I didn't see any divisions...
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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    Actually, as I was writing that up last night, I was starting to convince myself that it may be too much water, apparently I underestimated the power of soil to wick water up from below. Most of my soil experience is outside in the ground, and most of my indoor experience is hydroponic, this is...
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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    I didn't see any way to put pix up directly here, so I setup a flikr account, probably about time I did that anyway. I included one pic from a month ago, and a closeup of the underside of the Bhut Jolokia leaf.
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    indoor Second Opinion on sick indoor crop

    So, I started my first indoor pepper crop in october. I got a Sunleaves T5 flourecent 4 foot light from a friend who didn't need it anymore, and setup my closet with the intention of moving the plants outside when the weather allows. I have 2 pepperoncini, 1 Tabasco, 1 Thai Sun, and 1 Bhut...