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  1. SeamusMartin

    A Call to All Northeast Pepperheads!

    Oh nevermind.
  2. SeamusMartin

    What to grow, what to grow...

    Hey all, hope everyone's winters are as warm as ours is up here in Rhode Island. Does anyone have any ideas on what to add to my collection this year? I've got a few different plants being overwintered (Bhuts, assorted Habs, etc.), but I'd like to diversify a bit this year. Are there any...
  3. SeamusMartin

    pests My Aphid Deathbox

    I've had a TON of aphids recently, and it finally got to the point where no amount of squishing could even scratch the surface. There weren't many ladybugs around, so I went ahead and ordered 1500 of them for $7. Not all of my plants were affected that badly, so rather than just letting them go...
  4. SeamusMartin

    What's Eating My Peppers?

    I recently came across a couple of pods (on the same plant) with these holes in them. Whatever did it also managed to eat all of the seeds/inner membrane, leaving a completely hollowed out pod. Haven't seen anything that could be doing it, any ideas?
  5. SeamusMartin

    Can anyone ID these peppers??

    Thanks for all the input. I only came up with my "non-bhut" diagnosis because the pods were vastly different from my 7 other plants, which I assumed were pure. I'm really not TOO worried about what exactly they are, I just didn't want to go around mislabeling them any further, and to me they...
  6. SeamusMartin

    Can anyone ID these peppers??

    Hey all, I've got a few mystery peppers to be identified... The seed for this plant was labeled as bhut, and it was very similar to all of my other bhut plants in the early stages. It wasn't until the pods set and were smaller as well as a much darker green that I realized they were not...
  7. SeamusMartin

    Fire in a box!

    Ordered all of my seeds from Joe as I really didn't know any better at the time. Aside from several mystery peppers I have no complaints whatsoever about his seeds, germination rates were close to 100%. That being said,I will definitely be going with thehippyseedcompany or another more reputable...
  8. SeamusMartin

    health Brown spots on bhuts

    Hot. Very very hot. I've eaten worse looking things in my life with no consequence, so I just cut out the bad parts and went for it. Eating about half of the base was the really bad decision, for some reason I figured a few weeks under-ripe would mean not THAT much heat. I've eaten a few hot...
  9. SeamusMartin

    health Brown spots on bhuts

    Hey all, I've been noticing these brown spots on 3 of my bhut pods, and Im not sure what it could be. I'm thinking it's too high up on the pod to be BER, and was thinking more along the lines of bacterial spot or speck? Again, any and all input is greatly appreciated. (in the last two...
  10. SeamusMartin

    HPS and MH

    I'm pretty clueless when it comes to HID lights, but I like the idea of Ceramic Metal Halide. Like I said, I've still got plenty of research to do before I can even pretend to know what I'm talking about, but I think it's definitely worth looking into. I guess I'm not sure of exactly when the...
  11. SeamusMartin

    Plants repotted, hoophouse is up!

    I finally got the hoophouse up and running, meaning I finally had the room to repot without having to lug them in and out twice a day. We're still getting some pretty cold nights around here, so i figured this would be enough to keep them warm. Problem is, there's virtually no heat retention...
  12. SeamusMartin

    Now only slightly overwhelmed by potting mix choices...

    Thanks to everyone's input on my last thread I think I've made some sense of it all. I found some fafard's nearby and will be using it as a 'control' in at least some of my pots, I'm just not sure which number mixes to choose. I can get #2, F-15, or #52 (much heavier, I know). Just wondering...
  13. SeamusMartin

    Completely Overwhelmed by Potting Mix Choices

    Has anyone ever heard of Berger brand soil mix, specifically BM1? I found it locally for a pretty good price, was wondering if it's worth having a go with it. The website lists the pH between 5.4-6.2, will I need to use lime with that or should it be okay? Also, I can't seem to find the aged...
  14. SeamusMartin

    Completely Overwhelmed by Potting Mix Choices

    not 100% on how to answer this, thanks?? believe me I'm more than satisfied with my results, but I promise you the whole soil decision is keeping me up nights, and prior to reading the suggestions on this thread I've just been inundated with the endless number of potential mixes. I was only...
  15. SeamusMartin

    Completely Overwhelmed by Potting Mix Choices

    the rest of the gang waiting to head outside for the day it brings a tear to the eye to see them so young.
  16. SeamusMartin

    Completely Overwhelmed by Potting Mix Choices

    On a side note, is there a way of deleting posts (like this accidental double post) rather than just editing it?
  17. SeamusMartin

    Completely Overwhelmed by Potting Mix Choices

    Hey all, thanks for all the input. First of all, AJ and JJS, I'll definitely have your suggestions in at least a few of my pots, from what I've read about you two you're doing something right... Next, let me assure all of you that having fun is not at all an issue, and I've been enjoying every...
  18. SeamusMartin

    Completely Overwhelmed by Potting Mix Choices

    Hello all, this is my first post on the forum, though I've been a silent observer (stalker) for quite a while now. I've been doing my very best to be self sufficient, and have managed to find solutions to all of my questions/problems without actually asking any questions... Until now... I guess...