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  1. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    I want to address the Elephant in the room and that is my previous posts about losing stock all those years ago, and although many may not remember nor even care, for me it is playing heavy on my heart.   There was a series of unfortunate events, year after year I had numerous issues, some, like...
  2. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    This is a list of my old "package seed" stock, not including dried chillis with seeds I was sent, or any in the freezer, loose seeds etc.   Google Drive Link:   I have misplaced my collection...
  3. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

      I have ordered the Wartryx from THSC, it looked far too beautiful and different to pass over and watching THSC's video, it made me fall in love with it.   I do not believe I have Primo seeds (I might though), nor have I ordered them in but I know of them well. Back in the day I focused my...
  4. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

      I never understood how they could have crossbred the two chillis they claimed they did and stabilize it in that short of a time without using one closer to (at least physically) the end product. From the calculations I was doing in my head, 2 years would be the shortest time you could...
  5. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

      Perth mate. Why did JayT quit?
  6. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

      I have the original brain strain seeds from Cappy, off the original plant. Those seeds for me personally are the ones I am most interested in, they were given to me from a mate who got them from Cappy after the ones Cappy sent me got taken out by a series of unfortunate events (fungus, rot...
  7. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

      I heard this name through some videos and a podcast, what is the story regarding this one?     It is actually pretty cool. I said to my wife, absolutely nothing has changed (in terms of the website) in 10 years. It is very nostalgic.
  8. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    When I was last involved in this community the Butch T was just crowned king, I know that the Reaper is the current "official" king.   Are there any major things (developments, events) I should know about?   I sorted the forum by most viewed and read the threads about the Reaper in 2013 ... that...
  9. Taj

    Long time no talk.

    So I'm actually sitting on a beach fishing at the moment typing this on my iPhone, which I guess is not a bad way to spend Christmas and it's also an interesting way to start a thread. :) As some may have noticed I've been absent for the last year, loosing three years of stock really took it's...
  10. Taj

    So ... I'm back ...

    Next year I am keeping everything under shade cloth, I would rather have plants with reduce yields than no plants at all. It might just be my eyes, but it seems its getting brighter and hotter every summer ... sucks to be at the forefront of global warming. Hopefully I will do a big grow, I am...
  11. Taj

    So ... I'm back ...

    So my girl apparently needed some chilli sauce yesterday ... and she asked me if I still had some chilli powder left (that was sent from Junglerain). I tasted a bit of the Naga Powder, after not having anything for months and yeah, it was hot, she came up tasted some as well and went a bit...
  12. Taj

    Are these people kidding?

    Let em go, if people are stupid enough to pay that price, they deserve to get ripped off.
  13. Taj

    I am gonna be hurting if I do this......

    Rather throw it up and burn my mouth twice then try to get it through the other way :P
  14. Taj


    They look habish.
  15. Taj


    Yeah, one of my mates is a kiwi, it comes with the relationship :)
  16. Taj

    trade Oz seed trade

    What's the bet I will be unofficially banned again like last time :) You know, Ian, and his undeniable unrelenting totally indispensable love for me :)
  17. Taj


    You don't have snakes either, lucky bastards ... Although I did hear something about a shortage of Velcro Gloves on the other side of the Tasman? :D
  18. Taj

    "World's Hottest"

    (This post might look out of place, but I swear to god that the original unedited thread had something about suing them in =) One could argue that it is the world's hottest habanero, which in that case, it could be correct depending on definition of habanero and the testing involved. One would...
  19. Taj


    There is a difference between fruit fly (white maggots) and fungal infections. The maggots will eat it from the inside out, it will become mushy etc. In my photos you can see the fungal infection, if you leave it long enough they become white (not really that mushy, more like a scar). Either...