Here's what an infestation looks like. Abamectin is about the only thing that has worked for me to save a plant, but this one was too far gone and not worth it to save so it got the fire treatment. The fire treatment being literally burning it to prevent the spread to other plants.
Just picked this Beth Boyd SB, or Foodarama, whatever you prefer. This one is a monster. Multiple objects for reference other than a ruler, that would be too precise.
Oh and some Madame Jeanette and spicy lemon drops that are just a little over the level of heat for what you would expect from a lemon drop but still easily a muncher for while you're out tending the garden. And for super hots I got some beautiful specimens for chocolate Primotalli and gator...
Getting some stuff ready for the seed train. Some of these I bought from some good growers on Etsy to fix the seeds in the train that are not true as I have tested over a couple years of grow outs. The Borg-9 peaches are still putting out heavily as well as the Andy's King BOC and I have a ton...
No, I have done DWC a few times over the years. It's only really practical for a few plants for me, and takes a lot of effort and time that I don't have a very good supply of. That's why I am just using it for the winter indoors. If winter ever comes.
Well, I guessed right. Probably about 1,000 flowers on this one plant right now. Peri Peri Chubby.
Here's another one after I have already picked it bare twice so far this year.