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  1. V

    humbled rookie needs HELP!!!!

    Thanks redtail. Comedy. This site is great. I hope to become part of this warped dysfunctional crazed derranged soap opera pepper family. U guys are crazy! Maybe this is tmi but i was excited to to even get a response. Let alone have hot pooper do a seedling book report!
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    humbled rookie needs HELP!!!!

    Thanks nicole. Arent you too young and attractive to be playing with dirt and hot peppers? Im thrown off... I thought only ponytail on this sight was in hot poopers goatee?! Very cool.
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    humbled rookie needs HELP!!!!

    In reverse order of response...... Thanks luck. Your hair moves in your pic??? Thats awesome! U look like beetlejuice?!
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    humbled rookie needs HELP!!!!

    Sorry thanks spicy chicken.You ve helped me enuff as is on other Peoples posts. Thanks again. Off topic. Your name makes me hungry. You should open afried fast food chain called (your first name?)'s SPICY CHICKEN , seasoned with peppers from your farm and your pic on sign. I'd eat there every day!
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    humbled rookie needs HELP!!!!

    Imotcons are hilarious on here. Thanks mill. Musk how far should i have the light? Is that light ok? And when should i put epson salt and aspirin and pot up?
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    selling yorkie to chinese restaurant

    selling yorkie to chinese restaurant
  7. V

    humbled rookie needs HELP!!!!

    long ass kissing post warning!!!!...first off i'd like to send a shout out and say thanks to everyone(alabama,spicy chicken, hotpooper,avon ,millman,thatguy,potawie,surfer,geeme,redtail,caps,musky,jess,hotstuff,kc anteater WOW!,bigphil unobtanium! n everyone else that had made me laugh my ass...