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  1. growyourown

    health When do you give up?

    once they are taking up space that better plants or new starts could use. i usually have too deep a heart and try to give the runts as much chance as possible to come correct, but after putting runts outside into my raised beds, and at the end of the season seeing no pods ever come of it, i...
  2. growyourown

    misc Name this berry

    I thought about writing that too lol how about halle?
  3. growyourown

    2019 Hay Bale Pepper Patch

    glad i could help. good luck with the grow!
  4. growyourown

    2023/2024, wiicek, Let's Make BalcoJungle!

    welcome, very nice first glog post. how many plants do you think you can squeeze onto that balcony? check out @SineNomine to see a very lovely balcony set-up and give you some ideas.
  5. growyourown

    + growyourown + 2023 + YEAR OF ALL FIVE +

    thanks for the kind words. i was quite surprised how well they ended up doing; there was a long spell where pods just remained green with no hint of colouring up and i was sure i was going to run out of time. the sturdiness of the pods definitely helped them not go mushy post-harvest during the...
  6. growyourown

    + growyourown + 2023 + YEAR OF ALL FIVE +

    SEASON ENDED 29/10. pulled everything that sunday as they called for a couple nights in a row of minus temps. it was very cold halloween evening and began snowing just after my daughter and i got back in from trick-or-treating. i had to put up a tarp and space heater for one night in...
  7. growyourown

    seeds seed mat heat issue

    hey lads and ladies, quick query for y'all i have this type of seed tray and this type of heat mat: and i noticed the mats themselves were getting quite hot; putting that thermometer directly on the mat registered 35C. i used a tea towel to take away some of the direct heat from the trays...
  8. growyourown

    overwintering Favorites question.

    i've never OW'ed or cloned, but even if i had, i would still recommend keeping seeds. that way you can always start new plants if the OWs don't grow back or are pest-ridden. it also gives you the ability to grow again in future years, share them with friends, or put them on the seed train and...
  9. growyourown

    2019 Hay Bale Pepper Patch

    a lot of their blurbs start off that way. i think the wording helps to indicate that it was "created" versus naturally occurring. but also i noticed this vendor doesn't really update their descriptions, so whenever they first started carrying it, it was obviously much newer than it is at...
  10. growyourown

    hydroponic Leaf tint

    you're welcome. but you might want to post up a picture though, just in case it might be something different and bad.
  11. growyourown

    2019 Hay Bale Pepper Patch

    came across by accident while searching for my own interests over at atlantic pepper seeds: yellow CARDI scorpion
  12. growyourown

    hydroponic Leaf tint

    this can happen with "purple" types as well, if not more likely than ones called "black". anthocyanin is the compound that makes the purple/dark colour on the pods, and it can also appear on leaves and stems, even on types where the pods themselves are not "supposed" to turn purple. and it...
  13. growyourown

    hydroponic Leaf tint

    really strong light can cause leaves (and peppers) to darken, it's a defence mechanism for the plant. even though the other is not doing it, it may just be that one plant is "strong" enough to tolerate it and the other isn't. another possibility is that a genetic trait for dark or purple...
  14. growyourown

    flavor What would be your Greatest Hits of pepper flavors?

    bahamian goat is one that i see (and agree with) frequently touted as being extremely good for taste, high enough but not superhot heat level, and excellent productivity. but there are so many different types, and so many personal preferences, that a universal "top ten" could never exist.
  15. growyourown

    dry-spice Dehydrating hot sauce pulp

    parchment paper would probably do the trick if you didn't have the special trays canedog alluded to.
  16. growyourown

    scovilles Is SHU scale logoritmic or linear? Experts, please....

    from interestingly, on, this is being discussed, and the top answer says that in terms of a person's TOLERANCE for heat, that the scale does essentially work in a logarithmic way, but in the opposite direction than what ed claims. that is to say, being able to...
  17. growyourown

    + growyourown + 2023 + YEAR OF ALL FIVE +

    Apologies in advance for the wall of text; difficult to do an update covering 3 WHOLE MONTHS -jesus h. christ that’s a long time - without using a lot of words. Classic GyO, another super long delay between posts, but really nothing noteworthy has been going on. I’ve barely had to water the...
  18. growyourown

    recipe-help Hi all I have about 20 to 25 Ghost peppers. I am looking for a recipe or something else to do with them.

    fellow ontarian here. just curious whereabouts you are located, if you care to say or pm me. i like making local-ish friends here, when i see someone from potentially my neck o' the woods i wanna say hi. i personally haven't gotten into sauce that much, because it takes more effort than i...
  19. growyourown

    pod Mustard mutation ?

    in my experience the "chocolate" varieties take ages to turn colour (same with peach). black might be the same way, and mustard is i believe just a chocolate that doesn't lose all chlorophyll so stays a colour between green and brown.
  20. growyourown

    flavor Sugar Rush flavor?

    i had a fresh SRP sliced up on a big steak sandwich last night and it worked nicely, adding little pops of heat when you chewed into a piece of the pepper. the first one i ever tasted a month ago, i envisioned it going very nicely in a salad. and they (the ones i have anyway) are not too hot...