You can just pour water on it. It should increase water pH immediately. I use it only with peat, charcoal 10-15%. My tap water is soft/neutral pH is 7.5 so I dont have to do anything for it.
That is quite low pH for tap water. Plants get more iron if soil pH is lower and more magnesium if higher pH. If your plant's soil is less than ideal for chilis they get plenty of iron if it's available. Iron helps for nutrient take-off but at the same time they will get less nutrients if pH is...
@Leo_Rossini27 Seaweed alone is not ideal fertilizer. I use seaweed to support my dry fertilizer and I have healthly plants.
@evolka looks like potassium deficiency. What is ur fertilizer? Could be also that ur mixture has a bit too low pH. I would just give a bit stronger fertlizer if u have...
Maybe. I got better harvest in the least season and I made nice sour chili sauce. It has a slow burn. Still not half bad :)
I did have three plants. Some were more dark green.
That is just too pricey. I only paid the normal price when bought at ebay. Now they are ripping people. I think it can peak to 1.5M SHU but it's not even hotter than Carolina Reaper. I'm still growing it for one last time. If it's not good then I dispose of these seeds and plants.
Something what contains acetamiprid. Like this
I use something like...
There is reasons why I went this route:
1) It's cheap
2) It's simple
3) No added fertilizer
4) Char makes soil pH more suited for chilies and make it more airy
I just recently bought Peruvian Arancio and I got 1/3 size of what I have seen in the pictures. They must bee very unstable strains or could be photoshopped pictures to lie to people buy more these seeds. Taste is good at least. A good baccatum flavour.
That is a good way. Just keep the seeds in dark place. You can cover the seeds with a bit of peat so they don't mold that easily if they need very long germination time.
Indoors? Windows blocks UVB but not all UVA and with a zip bag you will get almost 100% protection but I would still keep it dark places to make sure they germinate. My oldest seeds are 12 years old and they germinated quite well. So that went still quite nicely for ur hubby :)
Also Apache (C. annuum) joined the party. Very nice compact growth and in the late PI 441551 (C. baccatum). Already tasted PepperX awesome sweet fruity and grassy taste and hot enough for my liking.
If you want very cheap option I would go something like this:ß-Spritzguss/dp/B07FB2261V/ref=sr_1_10?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=floodlight+50w+4000k&qid=1619335558&sr=8-10
Good for seedlings. They are not the most...