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  1. Edaxflamma

    seed-train The annual Mega Seed Train 2020/2021

    Alright it should be on its way. Tracking is: 9505515812170307305128 Thanks everyone!
  2. Edaxflamma

    seed-train The annual Mega Seed Train 2020/2021

    B Train looks like it may arrive at my post today. Unfortunately I won’t be able to receive until Monday so I’ll do a quick turn around on Monday to keep it moving. Just wanted to be transparent with the scheduling. Thanks for your patience!
  3. Edaxflamma

    flavor Bourbon Hot Sauce?

    I did a rum poached banana and scotch bonnet sauce that I personally love. Although to be fair, it was more of a mash/relish than it was a sauce.    I'm not sure how I would feel about a super fruity pepper mix and bourbon. I feel like I would reserve the bourbon for a roasted/smoked sauce but...
  4. Edaxflamma

    news OH BOY! Dunkin' Doughnuts + Ghost Peppers = Halloween!

    My guess is that there’s a good bit hidden in the natural / artificial flavor category.
  5. Edaxflamma

    news OH BOY! Dunkin' Doughnuts + Ghost Peppers = Halloween!

    So I broke down and tried one of those today. Can't say I'll be doing it again.   Overall it was just a normal doughnut with the slightest whisper of heat. If you really wanted to find it, you could get an ever so faint floral chinense flavor but there was something off about it. Mostly, it was...
  6. Edaxflamma

    Pepper People are the Best

    Got a double whammy today. The pods from GIPs auction came in from HarryDangler and they are outstanding as usual. The phenotypes on these pockmark orange, Starscream, and White Hot Lime are on point. And theres another Defko in there to light me up again... thanks for that haha. Also, Tybo...
  7. Edaxflamma

    Tried a Manzano Rocoto for the first time

    The fruit was shaped like the ones in the photos and the seeds are black.
  8. Edaxflamma

    Tried a Manzano Rocoto for the first time

    After seeing this thread, I just happened to find some of these at the local market the other day. The fruits look identical to the ones in the photos above but don't taste any different than a bell pepper. I am assuming I must have just grabbed a dud? 
  9. Edaxflamma

    Peppers on the move 2020

      A few are a little slow but that's just a numbers game. While new leaf growth doesn't seem to be moving very quickly, new root development is really surging at the moment. Every day there seems to be at least one new 0.5-1" feathery plume of roots in each of the cups. The clear party cups were...
  10. Edaxflamma


    Alright I should be set. Please let me know if there are any issues with the transaction. I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to interact with GIP much but his lasting impact on the community is extremely evident. I hope I will get the opportunity to learn a bit more about the man through...
  11. Edaxflamma

    I stand corrected. Not sure if the caps are the same size or not but a 500mL soda bottle cap...

    I stand corrected. Not sure if the caps are the same size or not but a 500mL soda bottle cap sealed it up tight. Thank you!
  12. Edaxflamma

    Thanks! I don't have any of those specifically on me at the moment but I'll give it a try. Looks...

    Thanks! I don't have any of those specifically on me at the moment but I'll give it a try. Looks a bit smaller than a 2L but the dish soaps sound like the ticket.
  13. Edaxflamma

    Peppers on the move 2020

    Bout time for a brief update. Everyone that survived the first run got repotted a little while ago. I had well over 80% germination but lots of seedling die off. Im not sure if they were mostly immature seeds or there was something I did but the cotyledons across the board were fairly weak once...
  14. Edaxflamma

    for-sale Mixed SFRBs and Fatalii SFRBs

    Oh man is that a White Hot Lime? Once either of you crack into one of those would you mind sharing your thoughts? The flavor profile sounded really great but I can't imagine a lime flavored pepper. I planted a few this season but I'm still only a month or so in.
  15. Edaxflamma

    Anyone know of a good replacement cap for a quart container of Neptune's Harvest?.

    Anyone know of a good replacement cap for a quart container of Neptune's Harvest?.
  16. Edaxflamma


    The cause and the peppers are too good... Put me down for $30 on this one. I’m still dreaming about those Pockmark Orange...
  17. Edaxflamma

    Crushed Red Pepper genetics

    Even if you don't get the chance to do any wet genetics work, I think a survey on observable differences between spice suppliers would still be pretty neat. It might be a labor of love but I would follow the heck out of that project haha.
  18. Edaxflamma

    Growing Mushrooms

      Agreed!  :cheers:   There is definitely a divide between the industrial and hobbyist growers in many areas. Some things just aren't feasible on the hobbyist scale and similarly, some of the hobbyist teks just don't scale up nor would they be appropriate for commercial varieties. While the...
  19. Edaxflamma


    I recently got some of these and they were absolutely fantastic! This is a great package that has been put together. If I hadn't already stocked up I would have jumped on this early.