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  1. Phil

    Wow, this site is GREAT!

  2. Phil

    flavor May sound silly but not all peppers taste like Bell Peppers right?

      The cayenne is probably the one "plain" tasting pepper you have on your list, but still not bell pepper flavor. And of course I'm assuming you're familiar with the jalapeno flavor.... but the c. chinense..... habs and reapers.... when people say "fruity", some have described that as soapy or...
  3. Phil

    Mystery pepper from a friend in South Africa

    What did your buddy in African call them? Have you tried them? How's the flavor/heat level? There are so many different varieties that appear similar, it's difficult to tell, but they resemble a yellow bhut. 
  4. Phil

    Peter peppers

    I grew them a couple of years ago. Very easy to grow. Never used them much. Flavor is your generic pepper flavor similar to tabasco. They have LOTS of seeds. I gave a bunch away to little old ladies who just had to have one to show their friends. lol 
  5. Phil

    We always said "scrap"..... "They're fixin' to scrap!"

    We always said "scrap"..... "They're fixin' to scrap!"
  6. Phil

    Only thing I check every morning is the stock market and my 401K balance. +$5K this week... DJIA...

    Only thing I check every morning is the stock market and my 401K balance. +$5K this week... DJIA is fixing to break 21K. New record!
  7. Phil

    Sketti squash is good stuff.... Might have to have some this weekend... chicken parm, you taste...

    Sketti squash is good stuff.... Might have to have some this weekend... chicken parm, you taste so good.
  8. Phil

    LOL! Lesson learned!

    LOL! Lesson learned!
  9. Phil

    Squab. Check Food Network for recipes

    Squab. Check Food Network for recipes
  10. Phil


  11. Phil

    [Feb 20] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

    I was also gonna say save the muscle relaxers and pain pill until the beer starts to flow, then you'll forget you have a back, much less back pain! Seriously though, I hope you heal up quickly.... nothing worse than being down because of back pain. 
  12. Phil

    [Feb 20] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

    Thanks Jason! Did I take that "what are you working on this week?" question too far? lol. I need to up my chili game. Been upside down for a few months. Maybe I'll try to get some nagas to germinate
  13. Phil

    [Feb 20] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

    Busy weekend! Started with a doctor's appointment Friday morning.... found out I may have an early stage cataract in my right eye. We'll see what that brings in the years to come. Went to Academy afterwards, picked out an elliptical machine and picked up some smoke wood. Grocery shopping...
  14. Phil

    Yes it could. Glad to hear this morning that the threat has lessened a bit

    Yes it could. Glad to hear this morning that the threat has lessened a bit
  15. Phil

    Do we have any members in Yuba Country affected by the evacuation? Prayers your way. <a...

    Do we have any members in Yuba Country affected by the evacuation? Prayers your way. <a href="" rel='nofollow external'...
  16. Phil

    Keep doing what you keep doing and you'll keep getting what you keep getting.

    Keep doing what you keep doing and you'll keep getting what you keep getting.
  17. Phil

    Multiple homes in New Orleans East damaged along Chef Menteur hwy. All in all, dodged a...

    Multiple homes in New Orleans East damaged along Chef Menteur hwy. All in all, dodged a bullet.... or a few of them. But the vids I saw were LARGE tornadoes for LA.
  18. Phil

    3-4 touched down in the area. My phone and parish sirens were going off all morning. Zero...

    3-4 touched down in the area. My phone and parish sirens were going off all morning. Zero deaths. approx. 20 injured. NASA facility in Michoud heavily damaged.
  19. Phil

    This is new?

    Hell, Amazon has been stalking my Facebook for years! 
  20. Phil

    had 4 yesterday. Still going after that goal

    had 4 yesterday. Still going after that goal