99% my weird idea will come to nothing but, just in case, please let me know your favourite soft drink flavours at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/C7MNQDC
The pod used for the newspaper photoshoots was confirmed by Chillibob's to have been a stunted, overwintered one. The regular pods that they showed on their social media were a more regular size like these.
Left bottle with the dragon art = new product with their old-style labelling.
Right bottle with the logo and blue = old product with their new-style labelling.
Their Naga Viper and Butch T sauces have also kept the old style so I can only assume that it's a conscious decision to better...
Just to clarify, the blue is their new style of bottle but the newest version of this sauce, the one with the actual namesake pepper in it, actually uses the old style to emphasise that selling point with the art.
The dragon is on the new version of the sauce.
So it's been a while since I've copied a post over from my blog for you guys (sorry) and even longer since I've done it on the day of release but I thought you might like to see this:
Happy thursday folks, we're getting close to christmas and this is a bit later than I'd originally hoped to...
I've heard a lot of varying opinions but mine was roughly 18/10 on my scale. Not quite twice the hottest Reaper sauce I've tried and nowhere near the 2.4 million claims but definitely a long way above any other natural sauce I've had. Assuming that it is natural.
I will say that I don't fully trust either side of the Dragon's Breath promotional BS. Both people who claim to have been its original grower have lied to us about certain things, including claiming that it already had the record from Guinness back in summer.
The origin story, however, sounds...