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  1. KevinH

    Fox Farm user's sound off..

    Okay, Folks going to try an experiment. Basically i want to make a super soil of sorts based on what I know the pepper plants like based on what I have read here. If I dont have something on this list please let me know.   OF/HF 50/50 to equal 2 cuft I will add 5 pounds worm poo 1 cup bat poo 1...
  2. KevinH

    Fox Farm user's sound off..

    OK well so far FF soil is great. I have yet to need to use any ferts. I will be using it again next year and trying a few things with it. Mainly mixing it in Feb. and letting it sit and cook longer this time as well as adding MyCoz to it.
  3. KevinH

    Potting mix

    I am having great success with 50/50 mix of Happy Frog/Ocean Forest. I mixed them dumped a gal of water in then mixed again. Let sit for 10 days. Next year I will let it sit longer and ad perlite and oyster shell and bone meal. I have yet to see a need for fertilizer I am go on week 4 in this soil.
  4. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    Larger plants got kicked out side to live shade cover most of the day but that will change next week. The small ones will stay in for a bit yet.
  5. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    Yea the sun flowers love it. I will have time this week end to start the bigger ones.
  6. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    Yea they will going the back yard only's gets a few hours of direct sun. then its shaded sun. But thanks for looking out bro..
  7. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    They will end up in pots until next May. But by then they will be producing pods.
  8. KevinH

    Two Word Turd

    but neatly
  9. KevinH

    Word Association Thread

  10. KevinH

    misc 1.7oz Glass Woozy vs 9 gram disposable mylar sachet (packet)

    MRE's  AKA Meals Refusing to Exit... each come with a 1/8 oz Tobasco sauce in glass. My point is if it survives combat a civy is good to go.
  11. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    Yea my bro had to check some thing and well we both went on a 12/12 for a few weeks. We are now on a 16/6 or so. I need to get them out side. LoL.
  12. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    OK here is an up to date pic of the babys.. The green is starting to really look painted on. Plants go out side tomorrow...        
  13. KevinH

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    I have a metric F ton of pepperdew seed and I have some 7 pod primo seed I can spair. Let me know.
  14. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

    After harvest lest post up the seeds we want. And we just can do a trade for seeds. I know I am sitting pretty well on seeds. Next year when I get fruit I will isolate 5 pods on my biggest plant. With the hopes I got true seeds. But I also need to post pics of my plants again. Now on a 12/12...
  15. KevinH

    Kevins 2014 late start Glog

    Yea the plants look 10 times better on the 12/12. Only water I did add some bat poo 2 weeks prior to the re pot.
  16. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

    Web have enough I think. Lol
  17. KevinH

    happy birthday PexPeppers,Lindquist and Robisburning

    Happy Birthday.....
  18. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

    So lets get a seed co op for the north west going.
  19. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

    Well if I have to I will buy a 2nd 4 foot 8 bulb light. and over winter them. Its gonna be close..