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  1. KevinH

    food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

    O' damn. Gonna have to bust out a pound of bacon with lettuce and a tomato on sourdough.
  2. KevinH

    Kevin's 2015 season has begun.........

    Ok, got to love how some super hot ' s have a mind of there own. I wake up this morning at 430 coffee and 1 eye half open. Thought Hay I'll reseed my reapers. I go to pop the plugs. As I look in the plug I see tap roots. LoL. Man the life of a pepper head..
  3. KevinH

    video Nectar for The Gods...Scott Ostrander...Youtube

    Jim what all are you using . From them. Might do a side by side
  4. KevinH

    seed-train WILD THING (seed train now boarding)

    Gentialmen what size box is this in now so i have one ready and waiting ?
  5. KevinH

    seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

    The last one i was in was a Med size flat rate box. I had a metric F ton of EZ pill baggies. That i tossed in. Thses seed trains are a great way to try many different peppers.
  6. KevinH

    Favorite drink and or smoke

    Cigar. And Crown XR.
  7. KevinH

    video Nectar for The Gods...Scott Ostrander...Youtube

    What i did was get the feeding schedule. And i cut the veg and bloom in half and feed once a week. All season. I use fox Farm nutes and soiI. I am changing next year. I need to pick up cal and mag. Spankscolts, Paulg is where I read every post as they grow in Oregon and not far from me. Its a...
  8. KevinH

    seeds Cutting off the weaker seedlings / Removing from Humidity Dome too soon

    I keep mine in a dome open vents and on the heat mat until they get so big seems to work well for me. I have pics in my Glog.
  9. KevinH

    seeds Best place to get seeds?

    Best place to get seed is right here. SASBE , seed train, and our supporting venders.
  10. KevinH

    Tilling minein 2 weeks.

    Tilling minein 2 weeks.
  11. KevinH

    video Nectar for The Gods...Scott Ostrander...Youtube

    Just like every other nuts line, most of this is geared twords growing pot. Now we both need a number of the same nutes. But keep in mind peppers once a certain age are in a constant veg/flower state.
  12. KevinH

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Pics or it didn't happen.
  13. KevinH

    Will this plant survive the fall?

    Should be fine. Keep watered and do your best to not put it thru more shock. Pepper plants are fairly hardy..
  14. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2015

    2 gallons of Foxfarm happy frog and 2 gallons of Ocean forest add 1 gallon Perlite.
  15. KevinH

    Kevin's 2015 season has begun.........

    So far Just R/O water and a mold killer white mold or fungi killer or some thing.. I planted them in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and Happy Frog with added Perlite. The larger ones will start getting Fox farm Big Bloom, Kangaroots ever other watering. I will be picking up some B-1  and some Cal  and...
  16. KevinH

    seeds New guy with a question on seedlings

    The super sprouter seedling heat mat 2 tray and a thermometer that it plugs into is a great investment. I use it works great. Also a T5 4 bulb light. I have a grow log feel free to check it out and ask as much as you want. I'm not a pro but I will help any way I can. Also I sent you a PM.
  17. KevinH

    Kevin's 2015 season has begun.........

    Getting ready to start the last round of seeds for peppers. Did some trans planting this morning.
  18. KevinH

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2015

    Ok here is how I do it. 2:1 2 gal soil. 1 gal perlite. I don't get to precise but it works. The idea is help the soil drain better. No such thing as too corse..
  19. KevinH

    Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

    Ok. Gonna get some seed for next year.