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  1. jsschrstrcks

    heat Which peppers set pods in the hottest weather

    Might set up a mister system you can turn on from time to time to simulate humidity?  
  2. jsschrstrcks

    heat Which peppers set pods in the hottest weather

    I live in Florida and 100f isn't uncommon in August here. I have great luck with annuums and chinenses but baccatums are a challenge and forget pubescense.
  3. jsschrstrcks

    Fiogga please clear your inbox :) thanks!

    I need to send you a message. I accidentally deleted your address out of my inbox; and need to route a train to you probably tomorrow morning. Thanks!
  4. jsschrstrcks

    did something happen to him? or just hasn't been around in a while?

    did something happen to him? or just hasn't been around in a while?
  5. jsschrstrcks

    seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

    gotta love usps. I had a string of packages delivered to my neighbor because the mailman got confused.... My last maillady was great.   I kept telling him I'm 7235, and kept telling me I was not 7235, that the mobile next door was 7235. After a bunch of conversations, an argument, and a series...
  6. jsschrstrcks

    7Pod? 7Pot?

    My understanding is that both are the same - I list them as 7pot Madballz, and 7pot Bubblegum in my database. To my knowledge its another puh tae to, poe tot oh, situation.
  7. jsschrstrcks

    Hey friend, your inbox is full, and I need your address to send you the seed train :)

    Hey friend, your inbox is full, and I need your address to send you the seed train :)
  8. jsschrstrcks

    Pepper People are the Best

    that looks amazing :)
  9. jsschrstrcks

    Hamptons Lane's Power Bowl, Now Featuring Dia del Perro!

    I saw the message come through on my cell, and without the pictures for context I though "well good for him... He's in a bowling alley. He's really excited about a bowling alley". LOL Glad the location is better than the typical bowling alley bar fare :) I think your Dia is my favorite sauce -...
  10. jsschrstrcks

    seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

    Train recieved! The USPS must have read my off color comments on another thread about how they must have a chimpanzee sorting mail. Looks like they gave this one to a gorilla... The packaging is a grey color and has some scuffs on it. Fortunately it was surrounded by structural tape (lol)...
  11. jsschrstrcks

    Aphids, thrips, mites? pretty much whatever!

    Hey, who cares what your involvement is; if it works, if its free, what does it hurt if you make a buck (or a million). I've got a sample coming on the seed train, hoping it takes care of leaf footed bugs as well. We will certainly see this summer *evil chuckle*. In the mean time, I have a...
  12. jsschrstrcks

    Long and Yellow, Not Very Lemon

    They look like the golden cayennes I've grown.
  13. jsschrstrcks

    JSS Unstable Grow Log

    Someone said they aren't pokemon, I don't need to catch them all. My thinking is that if I were ash Katchum I'd have tasted a picachu by now; Nintendo got the slogan wrong. Gotta taste em all! there are what? 4000 known cultivars? I still have a long way to go.
  14. jsschrstrcks

    Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

    Modern windows are what we went with - ~100$ a pop at first, the last batch of 10 were more like 140/ea for the same thing. A friend of my uncles used to install windows professionally, and he's been helping a lot. We were able to get his prices on windows too, which saved us quite a bit over...
  15. jsschrstrcks

    JSS Unstable Grow Log

    Nothing has popped yet, but I was able to add type 871, 872,873, and 874 to my list (have not yet updated the list in my profile though) thanks to Rick. I've got some seeds drying, they could push me over 900. We shall see. I suppose I should have counted them.
  16. jsschrstrcks

    has anybody in the united states ordered ?

    I would be interested in learning more about how to get a permit (or even what its called :P). Can you point me in the right direction?
  17. jsschrstrcks

    Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

    ~31 windows, and ~20 of them have been replaced. Its an old wood house - in the attic you can still see the marks left by the hand tools that were used to carve up the tree that became the house... Cypress siding etc. Almost everything hand done, and/or eyeballed not measured. If there is a...
  18. jsschrstrcks

    Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

    We put these in replacing some antique double hung windows a couple of years back. It makes a huge difference in the heat. One room has 3 windows facing N, and 3 facing S - it is basically a wall of windows. That room was hot no matter what time of the day it was. Replaced all six, and viola -...
  19. jsschrstrcks

    Queequeg grows stuff, and fixes junk.

    Black seeded simpson grows like CRAZY. It grows like a weed. It spreads so fast and the seeds are so light they find their way into weird places too. We started some in the garden (eg in one of the horse pastures we fenced off for the summer) and ended up with black seeded simpson lettuce...