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  1. JayT

    food Make your best taco.

    I am really trying to wrap my head around meatloaf tacos.  I mean do you use gravy in place of salsa or what?  
  2. JayT

    food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

      I just quoted this because I want you to know that I am the one person on this planet that got that reference.  It was just after KGB got taken down for all the money.  Damn Oreos gave him away.
  3. JayT

    grocery Best tomato for pizza sauce?

    peanut butter?
  4. JayT

    food Make your best taco.

    Meatloaf in the taco thread, Norwegian tacos in the hot dog thread, what the hael is going on around here?  
  5. JayT

    food HOT dogs

    Eight years and 50 pages in this thread and we have arrived to Norwegian taco hot dogs. Wow
  6. JayT

    food Make your best taco.

    Where's the meatloaf?  
  7. JayT

    food Make your best taco.

    Taco Tuesday
  8. JayT

    grocery Best tomato for pizza sauce?

    The TB has risen. I too though would like to see a pic of some tomatoes being sacrificed for the good of some pizza sauce
  9. JayT

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    I'm loving this thread
  10. JayT

    smoking Smokin up

    wow those country style chops look awesome.  This is a new style of cook for me, I will be tuning in.  I think it is meant to be the same as my egg.
  11. JayT

    food Make your best taco.

    I am thinking of posting a few steak tacos or wraps I am not sure what it what anymore.
  12. JayT

    The Chronicles of JayT

    Hot dogs are not just for water anymore  
  13. JayT

    I haven't bought any new technology in ten years. Its all new to me. I just bought a new phone...

    I haven't bought any new technology in ten years. Its all new to me. I just bought a new phone computer and tv I love it!
  14. JayT

    food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

    It wasn't raw or frozen. More like mr
  15. JayT

    Hulu where have you been all my life? Also, anyone try Truff hot sauce?

    Hulu where have you been all my life? Also, anyone try Truff hot sauce?
  16. JayT

    food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

    I guess I should say that this is 80/20 beef with a pouch of Lipton beefy onion, some A1 then after they were partied up a sprinkle of coarse sea salt and a couple grinds of pepper before they went in the pan. Topped with ghost pepper cheese bacon and spicy bbq sauce on a potato roll
  17. JayT

    food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

    Freezer full and wasn't planning on cooking them all turns out I did.
  18. JayT

    food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

    Yep new phone. Burger picks tonight. Haha you'll love this. I formed those burgers yesterday during the snowstorm then put the pan on the front porch to freeze. And the view out my front door after about fourteen inches of snow yesterday
  19. JayT

    food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

    More to come
  20. JayT

    So that 454 million dollar lottery ticket was sold in a store 12 miles from me. Its possible...

    So that 454 million dollar lottery ticket was sold in a store 12 miles from me. Its possible that I could know the person. We'll see.