Well i'm not an expert at getting pepper oil off bowls... but I can reflect on a recent mistake that I made when handling some of Bhuter's Caramel Morugas with my bare hands.I have never had a worse burn that lasted that long! lol. Lets just say I will be wearing gloves in the future.
I sent ShoRerider the money and hopefully he'll get it shortly. I'll send you my address in a PM.
EDIT: I can't send you my address in a PM because your message box is full or you have it set not to accept messages.
Its been a while since I've eaten a fig newton, but the texture here was a lot fluffier. More like those donuts you get at custom donut shops. I was trying to make beignets, but it may have come out more like a donut. And having never eaten a real authentic beignet in NOLA, I'm not sure how...
hmm. My mom has a great family chili recipe that involves melted chocolate. A chili filled donut with chocolate glaze would be interesting. I guess I would be worried that the bread would get soggy though.
I can make passable beignets, but I'm not sure how I would introduce hot pepper into it. It would take a fair amount of experimenting to figure out how to heat them up properly.
let me rephrase. It is apparently a sliding scale based on the amount you send according to what Stettoman's cost implied. So in my case, I paid 4-5 to send 100$ USD and convert it to AUD. In the case of the SRFB I just bid on, that likely means I will pay less than that for that transaction...
Thats interesting. Apparently that implies that Paypal uses a sliding scale for foreign transactions. So the more money you spend the more money they charge...? Or is it just a set percentage and since your percentage was larger than mine you paid more. Good to know at any rate for the...
its not really a problem. Paypal works either way. Its just 30 seconds more of analysis on my end. ;). If i hadn't bid on bhuters items also, I probably would have spent the money anyway on rare plants. Which i daresay I have too many of.
How about I raise my official bid to $25.00 USD, with the knowledge that I'm also paying a 4-5 dollar conversion fee to send the money to Shorerider in AUD. Which would make my actually incurred cost roughly $30.00 USD.
oh I see. Humor hehe.
I actually didnt know if it was a lowball bid or not. When I was bidding on bhuter's for example I was at least trying to match or slightly exceed market value since they were a donation. But sometimes the market value was difficult to determine so i took the mean...
Sorry I dont know much about bidding on SFRB or MFRB. Fill free to offer a minimum suggested price and I may adjust my bid accordingly. I went with what I saw on the forum ads as a gauge for a suggested bid price.