thanks for the info :D this was just in theory i dont plan on doing it i currently have no pods due left :tear:
thanks thats what i was asking!, if it where possible to breed a trait on one pod thanks!
7 pod burgandy has a really nice color to look at and the flavor is sweet and crunchy flesh thier not super hot but thier still up thier i belive their around 800,000 to 1,000,000 and easy to use in food
im wondering if there is anyone expirenced with breeding peppers for a desired trait that can answer this. if you get a strange looking
pod on a plant for example a pronounced tail and you grow those seeds will the next generation plant have more pods with pronounced
tails? and if so how...
doing good i see, those bonsi plants are pretty cool. how have your seedling been doing? its been getting pretty cold here idk about where your at but its gotten to 55 and i know its gona get colder last winter it got to negative for a week enough to kill the little guys.