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  1. Pr0digal_son

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Found some unique populations. Very different leaf structure and some fruits ripening purple. 100 yard long fields of them through that valley diminishing up to 10,500 feet where they were present but sparse.
  2. Pr0digal_son

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    C. rhomboideum from the outskirts of La Jagua,Colombia.
  3. Pr0digal_son

    news What's the latest news on "Pepper X" ?

    Understood.There are some really silly ones. I'm not knocking whatever your attempt was,but we are talking about one of the most important condiments globally with revenue in the 100s of millions. It might not have been a big deal at that moment,but it was shotly after.
  4. Pr0digal_son

    hybrid CGN 22184 ‘Peach Frutescens’

    Yes,it is. Haha. But I am sure they would like to flip through Chris' catalogue. I cannot comment from personal experience but this seems to be frut x chin. It's interesting that Barbara Pickersgill did not notice this as C.chinense is the species that gained her botanical fame. In her...
  5. Pr0digal_son

    news What's the latest news on "Pepper X" ?

    But if you proclaimed to have the largest biceps in the world,Guinness would come and measure them. They wouldn't let you measure them yourself. It's akin to Lance Armstrong testing his own urine samples. Just something that struck me as odd from the start. Not that I give one single fraction...
  6. Pr0digal_son

    baccatum Largest baccatum

    That is the largest one you are going to find. 8-10" pods that need a very long time to ripen.
  7. Pr0digal_son

    chinense Madame Jeanette Pod Types and Variability

    Most of those are parthenocarpic fruits with the styles still attatched. It is beyond me why a vendor would use a photo like that. It's possible that those are indeed Madame Jeanette but I think you made the proper decision not to grow those seeds out. That could be a diseased plant. These...
  8. Pr0digal_son

    Solanum bicorne

    They are fine.
  9. Pr0digal_son

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    What city in S.P. do you live in. I traveled 1500 km of that state. From Guarulhos down the Dutra to Lorena,south to Paraty and back down 101 to Sao Paulo and everything on that mountain range inbetween the two highways. Some of the mountains north of the Dutra also. Amazing country.
  10. Pr0digal_son

    misc Does any one have experiance growing C. tovarii?

    You've accomplished the hardest part about growing C.tovarii--they germinated for you. They should grow just like the rest of your peppers. Are the others doing fine? What could you be doing differently to them if so? I would start there first.
  11. Pr0digal_son

    pubescens Is there such a thing as an early ripening C. pubescens?

    Don't take me word,it's a general consensus.
  12. Pr0digal_son

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    No problem. If you want a list of vendors to avoid PM me. There are plenty of charlatans and crooks out there. One of the supposed bests has even PUBLICLY slandered a physically handicapped person. This hobby/industry is filled to the brim with dregs. I would suggest using forums like this one...
  13. Pr0digal_son

    pubescens Is there such a thing as an early ripening C. pubescens?

    I would suggest growing that plant again. They taste very good.
  14. Pr0digal_son

    pubescens Is there such a thing as an early ripening C. pubescens?

    Any of the smaller podded varieties(the mini one you mentioned) will ripen faster but I feel they lack the flavor and versatility of the large ones. Don't even try to grow in the ground if you are 5a or further north. That is where I am and it takes a very long time for them to fruit that way. I...
  15. Pr0digal_son

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    His prices on those are complete and utter bullshit. I don't care if that offends him or anyone else. €30 for 10 seeds is bullshit!!!!!!!!!! Please,do not spend that kind of money. We can lead you to honest vendors or share from our personal stock. He is also selling CGN19189,an eximium,as a...
  16. Pr0digal_son

    PaulG 2022

    All flexuosum seeds originally came from the USDA. And I'm sure his and 99% of others were from those originals until a couple years ago. It seems some have been sold by or traded by Brazilians in recent times and have added to the gene pool. If my memory is correct, he received seeds from...
  17. Pr0digal_son

    AHayastani's GLOG 2022

    Wettable sulfur is very hard on mites. ;)
  18. Pr0digal_son

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2021 XL Antep Aci Cross

    Yes,he won a few, including the chuncho growdown. I miss that prick bastard!! Sounds like a plan. There are a few pros to this. The odds of getting unwanted crosses is much less and they are typically harder to get large yields off of. There is more to be learned from that style of grow rather...
  19. Pr0digal_son

    Solanum bicorne

    I can continue to update the thread but the chances of me growing this plant to maturity are zero. I will get some cuttings from this one out to friends in California next year and see what they can do.
  20. Pr0digal_son

    heat Hot pepper with short lasting effect

    C.frutescens have a fast heat that subsides quickly.