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  1. illWill

    favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

    Wow!  Definitely looks like trichomes on that galapogoense!  Anybody have a good source they recommend for seed for this variety?  Semillas?  
  2. illWill

    Not a Kung Pao but looks similar

    Only pepper I have heard of growing that long is the Thunder Mountain Longhorn.... foot long peppers!  Let me know if you ever want to do a seed trade   ;)
  3. illWill

    Crazy dogs or Do hot pepper plants also have capsaicin?

    My mom fed my dog chili I made with primo powder one time and he is a garbage gut, will eat anything.  One tiny bite and he dropped to the floor, clamped his mouth shut and shook and shivered for a straight 20 minutes I felt horrible. And this is not a small dog, around 120 lbs.  I would fence...
  4. illWill

    LF Lightning Habanero Mix

    I have red ones
  5. illWill

    Reaper boil.... if you know what I'm saying

    Reaper boil.... if you know what I'm saying
  6. illWill

    50 hours of 'em

    50 hours of 'em
  7. illWill

    So many volunteer hours though. Haha. And I have to get them done before I do level 3

    So many volunteer hours though. Haha. And I have to get them done before I do level 3
  8. illWill

    Took my level 2 master gardening course today and pretty sure I aced it. Woohoo! Now for some...

    Took my level 2 master gardening course today and pretty sure I aced it. Woohoo! Now for some volunteer hours....
  9. illWill

    Hahaha! Maybe I'll slip some primo powder in her food and see if she still digs me. Uh...

    Hahaha! Maybe I'll slip some primo powder in her food and see if she still digs me. Uh... kidding! Maybe :)
  10. illWill

    I always chase the bad girls and complain when things go awry. Now a nice, educated girl really...

    I always chase the bad girls and complain when things go awry. Now a nice, educated girl really wants to date and I can't muster up more than a hint of interest. Go figure lol I blame pepper season :D
  11. illWill

    It was mostly a joke lol if anything it would probably be me texting her.... with inappropriate...

    It was mostly a joke lol if anything it would probably be me texting her.... with inappropriate motives :D
  12. illWill

    Me too, only, I don't feel like what I said was out of line. I didn't make any personal attacks...

    Me too, only, I don't feel like what I said was out of line. I didn't make any personal attacks or anything just spoke of my observations. I have no personal vendetta with Dale, and hope he can do well with his business. I just think he should treat customers better sometimes
  13. illWill

    Usually just happens with ex girlfriend to me. Hahahaha

    Usually just happens with ex girlfriend to me. Hahahaha
  14. illWill

    Got my first warning and I wasn't even trying to be rude or nasty. Hmmmm. Lol

    Got my first warning and I wasn't even trying to be rude or nasty. Hmmmm. Lol
  15. illWill


  16. illWill

    5 gallon bucket question?

    Kind of expensive for castings but not toooo bad.  I get I believe 1-1.5 ft^3 bags for like 21 and stuff is typically kind of expensive here.  QUality of castings can have a decent amount of variation 
  17. illWill

    One thing I've learned since my journey into chilies... always poop at work. Free toilet paper...

    One thing I've learned since my journey into chilies... always poop at work. Free toilet paper, and they pay you to do it
  18. illWill

    $8 per seedling from some vendors. Holy crap. Glad I start from seed because I would be about...

    $8 per seedling from some vendors. Holy crap. Glad I start from seed because I would be about a thousand bucks in this season lol
  19. illWill

    vinegar soak.... hmm why?

    vinegar soak.... hmm why?
  20. illWill

    Himalayan Honeysuckle

    Was wondering if it was resiniferotoxin or whatever. I as well, doubt it's capsaicin