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  1. T

    so..... one thing that will never work.. cherry kool aid mixed with tang.... just a fyi to all...

    so..... one thing that will never work.. cherry kool aid mixed with tang.... just a fyi to all of you out there! it tasted nasty..
  2. T

    no! no no no!! noo!!!!! >.< get between me and my chew you shall see what happens! >.< hehe

    no! no no no!! noo!!!!! >.< get between me and my chew you shall see what happens! >.< hehe
  3. T

    i miss having chew :/ haven't had it for.... 2 days, someone send me some? i'll be your budddy :P

    i miss having chew :/ haven't had it for.... 2 days, someone send me some? i'll be your budddy :P
  4. T

    It so confusing looking now :(

    It so confusing looking now :(
  5. T

    Mount Edgecumb Highschool (MEHS) its in sitka in alaska still lol sadly... I gonna have no chew...

    Mount Edgecumb Highschool (MEHS) its in sitka in alaska still lol sadly... I gonna have no chew when i go there :( gonna go there for next semester and check it out. Hopefully its fun ^-^ someone send me chew please?..... Lol
  6. T

    wht the deuce happened to the site??????????

    wht the deuce happened to the site??????????
  7. T

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh mahhhhhhhhhhhhhh gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwduh!!!!!!!! i got accepted to the school i...

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh mahhhhhhhhhhhhhh gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwduh!!!!!!!! i got accepted to the school i applied to a while back :)
  8. T

    weeeeeeeeell..... i'm bored.... plants aren't going great.... seeds aren't germinating anymore...

    weeeeeeeeell..... i'm bored.... plants aren't going great.... seeds aren't germinating anymore, maybe i should just give up the seeds :/ they seem bunk now
  9. T

    You know its gonna be an awesome story when it starts with "i told my bud to hold my beer and...

    You know its gonna be an awesome story when it starts with "i told my bud to hold my beer and then..."
  10. T

    Hehe gemee, you seem very enthusiastic about it, yup im happier now :) although the obsessed...

    Hehe gemee, you seem very enthusiastic about it, yup im happier now :) although the obsessed girl i can go without lol
  11. T

    well... this is nice, loving company of friends and others ;) and i also have a girl obsessed...

    well... this is nice, loving company of friends and others ;) and i also have a girl obsessed about me now. oh the joy..
  12. T

    well.... cant get any worse from here. thank you all for helping me get through this. feel a...

    well.... cant get any worse from here. thank you all for helping me get through this. feel a little better, still not happy but i'm better.
  13. T

    tonight, it may be the night. more than ready, my friends i cherish our friendships i made with...

    tonight, it may be the night. more than ready, my friends i cherish our friendships i made with you all
  14. T

    well.... closer and closer to ending it all. the moment engulfs me slowly, darkness surrounds...

    well.... closer and closer to ending it all. the moment engulfs me slowly, darkness surrounds me, said my last good byes, enjoy yourselves...
  15. T

    what if when your dying, that light at the end of the tunnel.. is just you being pushed out your...

    what if when your dying, that light at the end of the tunnel.. is just you being pushed out your mom? mind = blown
  16. T

    well, got my hair cut, now i look like prisoner with how short it is... its like... not even...

    well, got my hair cut, now i look like prisoner with how short it is... its like... not even long enough pull...
  17. T

    umm, kinda lol there was a whole bunch of stuff that happened between new computer and this...

    umm, kinda lol there was a whole bunch of stuff that happened between new computer and this sucks, the computer is still awesome though, but yes, you missed a lot lol
  18. T

    so.... staring at my ceiling I realized, this really sucks for me either way O.o

    so.... staring at my ceiling I realized, this really sucks for me either way O.o
  19. T

    I GOT MY LAPTOP IN!!!!!! I love it already!!!!!

    I GOT MY LAPTOP IN!!!!!! I love it already!!!!!
  20. T

    lol I googled it, and that thing woulda been awesome to have! I am pretty sure if I had that I...

    lol I googled it, and that thing woulda been awesome to have! I am pretty sure if I had that I woulda had a lot morer fun with adobe flash lol