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  1. 15MinuteBurn

    Would like to get some super hots for a friend.

    Thanks Megahot, dont know what I was thinking haha.
  2. 15MinuteBurn

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  3. 15MinuteBurn

    Would like to get some super hots for a friend.

    Hey guys I have a friend whom I would like to get some pods for. Yes he wants pods so its not a cruel joke haha. They dont need to be crazy exotic or anything. Bhuts or even some Chocolate habs would be cool. Hope its not too late.
  4. 15MinuteBurn

    hot-sauce Best Non-Extract Sauces

    Blairs After Death, Heart Breaking Dawns Chocolate Habaneros, The Chilli Pepper Company's Naga Viper. Now the newest Chilli Pepper Companys sauce Heart Throb is an extract sauce but was made with an extract that doesnt taste like it.
  5. 15MinuteBurn

    Taste Testers FOUND, Round 2-

    That message cracked me up. And made on the 13th! :hell: Since its not for direct consumption, the dropper must be for the eyes?
  6. 15MinuteBurn

    Product Testers FOUND for new product

    Lol. I wanna try some of this haha.
  7. 15MinuteBurn

    Milk soothing the burn

    As far as soothing the burn. Peanut Butter has helped me out the best. Not only in killing the heat in the mouth, but preventing stomach cramps as well. When I ate the vial of 1 mill extract. I had two pieces of bread covered in peanut butter and a banana. I didnt get a single cramp and no...
  8. 15MinuteBurn

    Ted The Fire Breathing Idiot

    Hello again :hell:
  9. 15MinuteBurn

    Ok, unless the THP says its ok. I am restricting the contest to people who have registered as a...

    Ok, unless the THP says its ok. I am restricting the contest to people who have registered as a member, before the start of the contest. To those who may have already posted, your still eligible.
  10. 15MinuteBurn

    Sauce Giveway Winners Announced!

    Hey guys. First off thanks to everyone who has watched my videos of me torturing myself haha. So as a way to give back to everyone. I am doing a giveway. Basically I explain everything in my video and, this is somewhat promoting my youtube channel too, so hopefully this is the right place...
  11. 15MinuteBurn


    '69 Nova Why does flossing suck so much?
  12. 15MinuteBurn

    Looks most excellent!

    Looks most excellent!
  13. 15MinuteBurn

    Whats the hottest thing you have ever eaten?

    Had to be that vial of 1 million pure extract. Its was murder haha.
  14. 15MinuteBurn

    Pepper Trivia Question

    Man VS Food? IDK lol.
  15. 15MinuteBurn

    Pepper Trivia Question

    I should know this from Larry the Cable guys only in America show! :banghead:
  16. 15MinuteBurn

    Pepper Trivia Question

    Nova got it.
  17. 15MinuteBurn

    Pepper Trivia Question

    Lol ok. What kind of toxin is Capsaicin?
  18. 15MinuteBurn

    Pepper Trivia Question

    I have a question since the thread seems a hair, de-railed ;).
  19. 15MinuteBurn

    food Quaker Steak and Lube Triple Atomic Wings.

    Yah I believe they are mango with Ghost pepper and extract. They say they are rated at 500K scovilles. Dont know if thats what the sauce is rated after dillution or not. I loved the taste.
  20. 15MinuteBurn

    Wow man, thats a neat background you have there. There is a guy on the knife forums I am on...

    Wow man, thats a neat background you have there. There is a guy on the knife forums I am on, rumors say he was on the team that made the SR-71.