A bit of an update - the Fataliis suffered a very high mortality rate (between decapitation & a weird mold looking stuff).
One of the two brainstrain plants suffered due to my wife's clumsiness.
The survivors
1 - 7 Pod Brainstrain
1 - Fatalii
5 - Bonnie Thai
2 - Trinidad Scorpion
What I...
Since I promised lazy that I would eventually post this here. If I have spelled any of the names wrong, please let me know.
Pepper Grow 2011
I obtained a Arduino for the purpose of experimentation with grow setups and automation through the use of microcontrollers.
Bill of materials - so far...
Started my build/grow log for the year. <a href="http://www.ihadurca.com/2011/02/16/growlog-2011" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://www.ihadurca.com/2011/02/16/growlog-2011</a>
I decided it would be a good day to add rubber grommet connections to the totes, As it is raining and the plants would drown if the water is not purged. I found that the compost tea culture I added to the plants towards the end of the line actually had taken all the way down in the tote's res...