lol.... i wish.... unfortunately its a gas/steam power plant..... but ya never know xD! ......
and today i set out one tray of seeds.... lets see how they do!
Hey everyone........
Just decided to give a hail out to all...... i know i have been missing in action for the past year or so (probably even longer)........ Was totally out of it in the recent past...... i switched jobs from an engineer in the desalination industry to an industrial chemist at...
glad to hear patrick...... i haven't been on here for quite a while.... glad to see the barrackpore 7 is a regular in most pple's gardens..... very pleased indeed.... i think i finally got back some time on my hands now to get back doin what i love....
one of my barrackpore did something like dat.... but instead of yellow it appeared to be ripening a chocolatey color and ended up turning red anyways............ and the shapes of most of the pods look like the barrackpore 7's
i hear ya on the whole naming a pepper based on where u found it.... that's kinda what i did when i 'discovered' the Barrackpore 7 pot unfortunately...... it was a pimply little thing i saw growing in my friend's yard who lives in barrackpore.... he said the pepper was a result of crosses...
More than agree..... it will take a couple generations to see major changes if any...... but would like to get some started from the earlies.... might just begin to see differences.... who knows...
Hey everyone.....
guess its really been a long while since i checked in with THP...... don't really have much of an excuse for being away this time lol....
Seasons Greetings to all btw :D
ok so now for my silly request..... i know i supplied a couple of you guys with the barrackpore 7...
As far as hydro goes
These are from last week
These are from like five minutes ago.......... its night time........ so the pics came out a little blurry....
Got some Cayenne and BS7 coming up here
Bok Choy...... these grow pretty fast........ its about a month or so and they are almost ready to harvest
Sorrel are coming up nicely....... they usually just put on a growth spurt closer to Christmas time
The "ganja" okra yo!
pics were taken with my BB............ kinda forgot my camera in work over the weekend........ excuse the quality...
They have turned into bush! they are now setting pods.......
These are alot younger but i think i may have some problems with bacterial leaf spots....... i'm...
hey silver............ yes they are indeed......... they are getting pretty huge now....... some of them even started flowering and i got a couple already.... thanx again for the seeds..... i guess i could give an update now....... only thing is i haven't taken much pics of the okra...... guess...
i usally see the white stuff under more citrus trees...... and those are usually fungal........ if it has wings..... i don't think its fungal..... get a praying mantis or some lady bugs
its 36 to 38 almost everyday in Trinidad for the last couple months.......... i left the buggers out in the blazing sun after they were moved from below the shade cloth...... they aren't complaining....... they better had than toughen the f*ck up!
dang!!!........... wish i had armadillos digging up in my garden......... we consider armadillo a "wild meat" treat in trinidad........... send them by me........
but i'm thinking some type of fence may be yur best option....
hehe.........they are just the stones you usually put in aquariums......... they are initially white but they paint them in different colors (inert).......... i would gone with blue or green or sum'n........ but they only had pink at the time :/
if you look closely u can see the leaves at the bottom turned yellow and dried of and died.......... been seeing the same with the cabbages............. i pinched them off
First time ever attempt at hydro..... i am thinking this is a failed attempt at DWC.... well not so much the setup.......... but my problem lies with my nutes...... there isn't a commercially available hydro nute mix u can pick up at a store in trinidad............ u have to buy the actual...
some others:
Only planted some tomato seedlings 2 days ago.... don't know if u can make them out in the pic
Chinese Cabbage or Bok Choi
Sorrel - i know..... i planted them too close..... but yeh whatever..... we'll see what happens