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  1. D

    Seed Giveaway - CLOSED

    Great seed giveaway!  I would love to get in on it if possible.  Thank you.
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    I'm back! MoA Yellow & SB7J Seed Giveaway

    I would love to try a pack of MoA's.  Thank you for the great give away!
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    free SASE Free Seed Offer

    I would love to get in on this offer.  Thanks! I'll PM ya.
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    Question? Has anyone grown peppers in Alaska?

    Hi Capsicum, I grow 7 pots, T.S., Bhuts, Nagas, Habs, Jalapeno, etc. I started two different batches of seeds this winter. One group I started October 1st and the second group started December 1st under lights. The plants will go into the greenhouses May 15th.
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    Question? Has anyone grown peppers in Alaska?

    Hey DirtyDave, I'm located in Fairbanks, AK and grow hot peppers. If you have any questions just send me a PM.
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    Happy B-Day H.P. :dance:
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    We've got 10 crested geckos.
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    Anyone use Al's (Tapla) Gritty Mix or 5:1:1 Bark based mix?

    I tried Al's 5:1:1 bark mix. I too transplanted seedlings into this mix very early on and the plants looked bad. After awhile I transplanted them into pro-mix like my other plants and they recovered. I'll be sticking with Pro-Mix or something similar to it next year.
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    I'm not eating these

    Nice looking pods Patrick!! :mouthonfire:
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    growing worms

    Hey Logchief, Thanks for the welcome. Earthworm castings are hard to find in the stores here so I thought I would see if the worms could make me some.
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    growing worms

    Hi. I also just started a worm composting project. I'm looking forward to seeing what they produce this winter. How many worms did you start with? What did you use for bedding? Good luck!