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  1. M

    Pepper ID Please

    CMJ  Mopeppa here ...Thanx for the Tapatalk pages they were very informative. It was fun reviewing all the growers and their weigh ins...You could almost feel the excitement and the anticipation from the growers...Thanx again Mopeppa Growing peppers is a Job BUT ...It's a FUN job....
  2. M

    Pepper ID Please

    Here is the Picture : URL Thank You In advance..
  3. M


    Testing one more time ( I Think / I Hope )       Got it ...............
  4. M


    testing     Kool it worked...
  5. M

    Hello from Ga.

    Drangonsfire Mpicante Nulle Skullbiker   Thank You ! And to the rest of you Advance......  
  6. M

    Hello from Ga.

    Dave here going by SlobberZone.... Since that is what it seems we do a lot of here on THP...Slobber when we have one ( Super Hot ) or Slobbering because someone else has one and I would love to have it.. I was on here before but it's been awhile and couldn't remember my info for NOTHING...Soooo...
  7. M

    vendor Wicked Mike's peppers this guy ROCKS

    Hands up to WMikes I sent him so many mails he should have just shot me down ..But he took the time answered everyone in length , He has to be a special person ..Like Fire Men ,,Thanks Mr Mike speaks a lot to me a man isn't no better than his word ...But somehow you seem to go beyond...
  8. M

    SFRB's you choose the content of-GONE

    Mr Brian  Sorry I haven't posted ..But did receive peppers in Great Shape ..thanx again for a good transaction. Dave
  9. M

    SFRB's you choose the content of-GONE

    Mr  Brian  Sorry ..I did receive my peppers as always in Great ! shape ..Thanx and have a happy growing next yr.
  10. M

    SFRB's you choose the content of-GONE

    thank you Sir Sorry to wait so long ..But peppers arrived on time and in Good condition. Thanx for another Great transaction...
  11. M

    for-sale 4 SFRB's for sale GONE

    Brian I received my peppers today...They are Great ! I do remember the last time I got peppers from you they were in super (Best) condition thanx so much as I have received other ones from elsewhere that almost make you cry  :-( ..PRF always sent good ones to me..Love the chocolate scorpions...
  12. M

    for-sale 4 SFRB's for sale GONE

    Yes Sir I would Like #2 box if still available..It's been sometime since I've been on here  You may have to walk me thru this..I do have PayPal and sorry for the double post. Dave Sorry let me start over and find another box ? AGAIN.. I wasn't paying attention....The box I had requested is...
  13. M

    SFRB of Yellow 7Pots - $12 - Gone

    Brian  My hands up to you...Got my peppers and if I may say  they were perfect in everyway...thanx  again .For your patience...will be sending monies  plus your trust..Dave 
  14. M

    SFRB of Yellow 7Pots - $12 - Gone

    Thanx  I'll be sending info in a minute or two. Thanx again
  15. M

    SFRB of Yellow 7Pots - $12 - Gone

    $ 12.00 shipping and handling ? If so I'll one for that...Thanx Dave
  16. M

    Powder and pod giveaway closed. Congrats illWill!

    I guess 1-100 I take it that it don't count.....Just checking.  :-)
  17. M

    Powder and pod giveaway closed. Congrats illWill!

    I'll guess 50  Thanx for the offer..
  18. M

    Bhuts, Fataliis, Scorpions- SFRB $14 shipped

    Hey my Friend: No one has seen you...I hope everything is alright...We'll be praying for you ..just in case...Dave
  19. M

    Bhuts, Fataliis, Scorpions- SFRB $14 shipped

    Any Bhuts left would like a box of these...Please send Info.......... Hey my Friend Sorry to have missed you, I am sure something come up that couldn't be helped..I have ordered from another seller..Trust all is well with U and all works out ok..Thank You Dave   People may not believe in prayer...
  20. M

    Pepper Identification

    I guess But what's disturbing to me is I started growing a few yr's ago..and was so excited...I ordered from diferent people as (hertz) and others I waited a whole yr for my peppers to grow and I end up with stuff I can go to the market and get ..planted Bhutt Jolokia and ended up with...