Search results

  1. bongcloud

    C. chinense dropping pods

    I'm growing C. annuums, C. baccatums and C. chinenses this year. They are all flowering heavily, only annuum and baccatum flowers have a lot of pollen on them (baccatum more so than annuum, but they're both pretty loaded), whereas chinense anthers are blueish with no pollen on them whatsoever...
  2. bongcloud

    Companion observation

    Companion planting is wonderful. It's how I solved my problem with airborne winged aphids.
  3. bongcloud

    Trying to identify peppers I bought at the local marketplace

      Jalapeños fully ripen to red. The ones you're asking about were picked green, meaning it has nothing to do with the color of a parent. 
  4. bongcloud

    What peppers are these?

    It's way too early to tell. What are you expecting them to be? Maybe some members can help you determine if it's the right species. 
  5. bongcloud

    health Pinhead white almost silver spots on leaves. Defficiency?

    You should identify a pest before treating for it.
  6. bongcloud

    health Pinhead white almost silver spots on leaves. Defficiency?

    If it's a pest, could be several things. Wooly aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies come to mind. All of them leave white powdery residue. Probably not a disease like powdery mildew. Look around for pests or pest damage.
  7. bongcloud

    health Brown spots on pods

    That's very interesting. In the past few months of reading around, I've only read the exact opposite concerning peppers - saturate soil, then let it dry out a few inches from top before watering again. I'm growing in containers, and following this procedure only water 1-2 times a week, I'm...
  8. bongcloud


    I have a decent amount of vermicast and pellets left from potting up. I've seen multiple members mention making teas out of these, and there's a whole 51 page thread on it (AACT). However, sometimes they are mentioned briefly, and other times are way over my head. What would be a good way to...
  9. bongcloud

    Thrips alert

    Still unable to find anything else proposed in this thread. I've tested a soapy solution (castile soap and water) on a few adult thrips. They seemed to defecate and then slowly die, so that's promising. I'll be getting neem oil tomorrow.   What's the recipe for the neem solution? I'll try to...
  10. bongcloud

    Mad Hatter--Has anyone grown these?

    I've planted 3 mystery plants this year from an old pod that seemed to be something like a bishop's crown. The plants are over a foot tall now and started flowering. Leaves look pretty much identical to those. Don't know if it's a general characteristic of baccatums, though.
  11. bongcloud

    Thrips alert

    Yes, I just thought the ingredients tab on those might be useful, but it appears it's mostly down to experience.   How exactly do I make the solution, in regard to proportions? Also, what does it mean to emulsify? Does it just mean, in the context of making this solution, turning soap and neem...
  12. bongcloud

    Thrips alert

    I need a bit more clarification on that. Do you mean I should use straight insecticidal soap only once before applying neem, or every time before I apply neem (every week or so). Also, from wiki page on thrips:  "Insecticidal soap spray is effective against thrips. It is commercially available...
  13. bongcloud

    Thrips alert

    Thank you all for your input. As I've assumed, finding spinosad and pyrethrin locally is pretty hard. Ordering from a national company seems pretty impossible so far, as any that might carry these insecticides do wholesale only. Ordering from abroad would be quite pricey, as it's not well...
  14. bongcloud

    seeds bhut jolokia , 2 weeks after germination

    Are you growing those in mud?
  15. bongcloud

    seeds Can I Germinate Them?

    If they were viable to begin with, being in fridge for a few days won't harm them one bit. I've germinated and grown 3 plants this year from 5 year old seeds that were collecting dust in an improvised envelope. Though it's possible that those were crossed, but you can, of course, try it anyway.
  16. bongcloud

    Thrips alert

    Do spinosad and pyrethrin have any negative effects on flowering and podding? Also, should I treat medium with these as well? I'll try to find them locally, though it might prove to be a challenge.   Also, is either of the two preferred over the other? By doing a quick google search it appears...
  17. bongcloud

    Thrips alert

    Just as I've somehow managed to put aphids under control, I've started seeing thrips. How do I know if I should be treating my plants, or is there no minimum to the number of pests? Haven't seen more than a few per leaf, where some leaves have none (though it's likely I just can't see the really...
  18. bongcloud

    Growing Jalapenos - when to transplant & fertilizing question

      I've allowed all my plants to bud, flower and fruit while still a foot tall on average. Some already produced nice fruits and the plants themselves are continuing to branch out and grow. The way I see it, it's one of those age old "to top or not to top" kinds of questions, and by that I mean...
  19. bongcloud


    I've read about the use of molasses in compost piles, compost teas and as a foliar feed. I vaguely remember reading that it should be unsulfured, as the sulfur-dioxide used as a preservative will kill the beneficial bacteria that molasses is supposed to feed. Is this so? Cheers.
  20. bongcloud

    Growing Jalapenos - when to transplant & fertilizing question

    Yes, it's a flower bud. Some pinch them off at that stage, so that, in theory, plant puts more into growing before it starts producing.