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  1. WalkGood

    Cartz's 2013-14 Glog - Video update - Waaay overdue

    Picture bump
  2. WalkGood

    Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013

    What they said ^   A little mas … I long boarded in the parish of Portland and meet a pepper farmer there, we hung out surfing and talking at or near Boston Bay and he provided me seeds. I grew dem seeds while living there, in fact I thought they were Scotch Bonnet per what he told me till I...
  3. WalkGood

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Youngest WalkGood which I call #2 online did this video animation today, yea I know it looks blank but it's not. Click on the box and let me know what you think of da JA Hab ladies ...            
  4. WalkGood

    PaulG 2013

    Woot got da goods mon, thanks Paul and a big Hat’s off mon \o_      Hope you Hab an awesome T-Bird Day!!!
  5. WalkGood

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Thank you Scott and it’s amazing how fast dem girls grow, I got home late last night already very dark out so I turned on da porch lights and I was amazed. I’ll have to take some pics to post during the holiday. Happy T-Bird day brethren to you & LB ^_^   Interesting I’ve never tried pepper...
  6. WalkGood

    Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013

    Yea your plants are looking great mon! I visited Hawaii a few times, came darn close to moving there after leaving Jamaica but the position I was looking for was never appropriated :/ Nuff about me, was wondering with such awesome weather and soil why you start out in aerogarden?  
  7. WalkGood

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Lots of seedlings, congrats Mon!!! But you are a glutton for punishment … as it looks like you’ll be super busy for another big season ;) I noticed the cardboard boxes for dem, I did the same till the rains stated a few days back and ruined my boxes, it’s a great cheap idea. Now I’ll probably...
  8. WalkGood

    Hey from Maryland

    ¡Hola! and welcome from south FL
  9. WalkGood

    Hello from South Africa!

    ¡Hola! and welcome from south FL
  10. WalkGood

    Hello from NE Michigan

    ¡Hola! and welcome from south FL
  11. WalkGood

    stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

    Beautiful colors on dem sauces brethren, great job :)
  12. WalkGood

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Woot awesome pull, pictures and band saw :D   Looks like you made a great call on the cut back, you got me thinking about it as well and it’ll give me a break for a while, lol   Hab a great Sunday brethren!
  13. WalkGood

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Good news, just hope da seedlings hold out for new shoes till extended weekend :D Powder da old fashion way ;) Had some of the ghost on eggs this morning and on hamburger this evening. Peach Bhut Everglades Tomato BOC 4 Jigsaw little ladies ...
  14. WalkGood

    JIGSAW Community Grow 2014

    Here's my 4, not much growth yet but once these girls get a little bigger the FL sunshine will make dem up ^_^  
  15. WalkGood

    PaulG 2013

    I have plenty a MoA seed that I can send some if you wish, pm me and they'll be in da mail mañana.
  16. WalkGood

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    "Annies Space Oddity Grow Area" ♪♫♪♪♫♫♪♫ Ground Control to Major Annie Ground Control to Major Annie Take your pepper pills and put your lights on Ground Control to Major Annie Commencing countdown, engines on Check da heat mats and may God's Pepper love be with you Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven...
  17. WalkGood

    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African
  18. WalkGood

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Great pepper love from Charles and Kevin, hat’s off to dem both \o_ Hab a great weekend Rick ^_^
  19. WalkGood

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Hate da grubs, great catch and kill \o/ I liked the post cause it was a great call to check on your part, liked the others for mas like credit but hate dat weather. We've had a nasty week as well, I call it Seattle weather :D
  20. WalkGood

    PaulG 2013

    If you grow them again next season I hope you also grow the MoA, this way you can do a compare. While I've had plenty of both, never at the same time and I don't plan on growing the TFM next season as I've added too many plants already and will probably have to gift off some. Have a great...