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  1. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

      yep, I distinctively remember having spent a day of my live "sin ropa" on a lonely beach somewhere around jaco... no person to be seen all day, just me, GF some monkeys - doing our things and living the day off coconuts - must have been in 99 or so :D
  2. Al-from-Chile

    RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!

        congrats on your house, bill ...   never mind that its on the smaller side ... this is truely compensated by the long yellow driveway :D   ... I guess the former owner got it painted this way to find his home drunk.     seriously: congrats, man - I can relate to your current...
  3. Al-from-Chile

    SuperHots at the Local Grocery

    Cool, but @ 100 bucks per kilo... - nice markup 8-)
  4. Al-from-Chile

    seeds Same packet of seeds .. Now 2 different plants!

    hey, I got 2 plants from the same package of seeds and one matures red while the other matures yellow.   Needless to say, neither show any particular Scotch Bonnet shape (as advertised on the package :D)   cheers, Al
  5. Al-from-Chile

    water Who else has high PH public water?

    sawdust (of var. granularity) also brings ph down - and will probably be beneficial for the soil-structure as well ...
  6. Al-from-Chile

    pics First Harvest Pics

    holy cr@p! ... you are a true "firsttimer" :D     IIWY, I'd slice 2 lb of the chiles verdes, put some mustard seed in there, put some water and a lot of seasalt on them (till submerged) and (optionally) kickstart the ferment with some lacto ... then just let sit for 2-3 weeks ... nice flavors...
  7. Al-from-Chile

    Mulato isleno

    what is their profile? ... heat/taste/etc?   inquiring mind needs to know :-)   cheers, Al
  8. Al-from-Chile

    Pepper People are the Best

      damn - you are lucky that the NSA didnt get their hands on this package .... those are truely WMD :D   cheers Al
  9. Al-from-Chile

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    You are fermenting kelp, right ?   ... it seems that the bull-kelp is veeeery robust - even when ferminting ...   I puree'd the snot out of it and literally nearly burned up the blender (got smoke coming out of it) ... yet it still isnt fully done after 1,5 -2 weeks ... however, I already...
  10. Al-from-Chile

    MoA Jamaican scotch bonnets....

      Nice going, Vegas  :party:
  11. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Yeah - Ray is def. the Ernest Hemmingway of THP :D   Al
  12. Al-from-Chile

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    When fermentation stops/slows (no more bubbles) , and ph is below 4 (in warm weather after about 1 week or 10 days. ) But I sometimes use it earlier - while at the same time leaving it fermenting .
  13. Al-from-Chile

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    yeah - the white scum is just yeast ... shake it stir it ... its part of the game and doesnt have any bad side effects for the plants   cheers, Al       here another gem of wisdom ...   source:             here you can: a.) check whats available locally...
  14. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    the white pepper is truely a ghost-pepper :)     and I hear you on the furniture / nice stuff ...    a couple of years ago, I bought some (for me at least) high-endish speakers ... just to find both domes being deformed/bent out of round  by curious kid's hands after the first week  :shocked:  ...
  15. Al-from-Chile

    The official SWEET PEPPER thread

    yeah - hungary must be the country with most (sweet) pepper (=paprika) culture in the world ...   awsome stuff, there!       I like the stuff I am seeing from the youngsters .... very good work ethics - I like it :D     (Feher Ozone - a Hungarian Hairloom)
  16. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    just put em in front of a Madonna poster ...    (raises stress levels to previously unknown heights :D )
  17. Al-from-Chile

    rocoto ... finally! These things ripen slowly.

    good thinking ... I need to try that, too ... I have 3 roc's in the fridge ... and my family doesnt eat too spicy (3 little girls :-) - so they go a looooong way here    cheers, Al
  18. Al-from-Chile

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

        good you did, young Skywalker :D     Al   ps: You should also be able to get tons of algae/kelp in japan, right?
  19. Al-from-Chile

    After 2.5 hours of work ... Here they are !

    hit em with P and K and avoid anything with N in it... Should speed things up in the podding department Al
  20. Al-from-Chile

    ghost tales

    wow... I'd check them for a "666" somewhere :D Al