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  1. Al-from-Chile

    Guru's 2013

        ...or you just got girlish little hands ... didnt see much hair, either  :D     j/k - things a great as we have come to know from you   cheers, Al
  2. Al-from-Chile

    chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

    tom,   i think what you say makes sense, both legally and from a "common sense" perspective. What I personally find "disgusting" is that they seem to use scare-tactics with lawyers ... similar to the music industry threatening to sue the bejeezus out of a 15 yr. old teenager ...   I think this...
  3. Al-from-Chile

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    cool - I like where this is going  ;)   Al
  4. Al-from-Chile

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    i'd go easy on the molases ... like 1 cup or so ... there is still TONS of food for the bacteria/funghi   otherwise, a 40 gal batch is roughly 10 times what is being brewed in normal garages - so you just would want to multiply the regular recipes here x 10.   Al
  5. Al-from-Chile

    7-pot Barrackpore tries to kick my A**, but fails!

    another cool "must see" review from Mr. N.   :D   cheers, Al
  6. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Ray,   imho - the ants are a mere consecuence of your aphid investation ... they are not your problem (except for the fact that I dont like ants, either) ...   my point is ... even if you "kill 'em all" (the ants), the aphids will still be there, with just nobody around to eat their $hit - but...
  7. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Just mix up boric acid, water and sugar - dirt cheap and very deadly (for ants) Sl2,A
  8. Al-from-Chile

    RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!

      correction:   you eat the friggin manliest possible chocolate on earth ...   cheers,   Al "the tool man, puts hand to rest in his groin " B.
  9. Al-from-Chile

    chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

    a yellow fatalii should be a yellow fatalii under all growing conditions ... and not turn into a red jalapeño because of humidity, sun or excess in N ...   ;)
  10. Al-from-Chile

    chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

    +1 Yep, peppers and used car salesman pitch don't "emulsify"
  11. Al-from-Chile

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    paraphrasing you: But he sold his failure @ the price of the "very best" :D ... Donno if that's scam or just not quite "100 percent compliance" Gruesse, Al
  12. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Jjj, While I am not Ramon, if you can get fresh kelp use it - if you can't the brown stuff is also on (plan B) You might want to ferment either one with some lactobacillus. It's faster this way and fermentation breaks down "stuff" into easily absorbed nutes like enzymes etc. Cheers, Al
  13. Al-from-Chile

    chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

    me .... I am just waiting for the pods to be utterly illegal and then I'll grind one up ....         ... and smoke it :D    Cheers, Al "legalize peppas" B.
  14. Al-from-Chile

    chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

    +1 If you didn't sign anything upfront you are simply the owner of the seeds... You can do what ever pleases you - you might not be able to use the name (should it be copyrighted) Are there any legal advicer on board? 'nother Q:... I doubt they trademark'd it WORLDWIDE B-) - so there should...
  15. Al-from-Chile

    The official TOMATO thread

    ... so you are saying we might have a really big killer-tomato on the run???   :mouthonfire:
  16. Al-from-Chile

    Trippa's 2013-2014 ...its weird and wonderful ... for now..

    Hola from another southener ...   after some really nice and sunny 20-25º days (65-75f) ... we got a cold snap yday ... it was snowing and cold as hell in Santiago :D   glad I had the kids all inside ... it will freeze again tonight - but I hope thats it for this year... I really want to get my...
  17. Al-from-Chile

    The official TOMATO thread

      extra "like it" for attitude!!  ;)
  18. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

      well, just hang some season's ornaments on them and pass them off to the critters as plastic-x-mas-tree ... MoA=MiC(hina).   great WE!, Al       ps: I see the girls went for brazilian waxing :D
  19. Al-from-Chile

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    down here folks say ... sofrito is like mentolatum - it works with everything :D   cheers, Al
  20. Al-from-Chile

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    My take on the burning : he had to bc he was not allowed to sell anything (that's what I read out of it) Al