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  1. zantrax

    seeds Sprouts with seeds still on

    Surprisingly I had an Atomic Starfish come up with the seed still on it, the cotyledon was all sorts of mangled, yet it is now my strongest from this variety.
  2. zantrax

    How to get rid of white fuzz mold?

    I get white fuzz mold from the coffee stir sticks I use to label my peat pellets when they are in the hot house. All I did was gently wipe it away with my finger. When I transplanted out of the hot house all the mold died off. I prefer not to use hydrogen peroxide on seedlings because I am a...
  3. zantrax

    cotyledons falling off

    I am lost as to what is going on, it happened to my atomic starfish, naga, and reaper. Peat pellets were packed fairly loose.
  4. zantrax

    seeds How do you keep records of your seeds?

    I have a pretty comprehensive excel spreadsheet if anybody is interested.
  5. zantrax

    cotyledons falling off

    I have no idea what is going wrong here. I am finding my seedlings coming up missing their heads. Soil is slightly damp, not wet. Humidity is stable, planted not too deep, temp constant 85f... Yet my seedlings are coming up decapitated... what should I do?
  6. zantrax

    Sprouted with three leaves

    From what I've read it's probably a hybrid. I had the same question because I had a few sprouts with seeds I saved from last season come up with 3 leaves. The cool thing is the seeds were from my yellow habenero, which was beside my yellow bhut, so hopefully I get a hybrid.
  7. zantrax

    seeds How do you keep records of your seeds?

    Excel is the way I go... also I use this formula for counting the number of days =DATEDIF(D9,F9,"d") Variety # Seeds Per Pellet # Of Pellets Date Planted Expected Germination Date Actual Germination Date # Days For Germination Harvest Time (Days)
  8. zantrax

    What you growing in 2013

    My 2013 Grow List (2012 Varieties are from seeds I saved from last year): Rainer Onion Mercury Onion Large Cherry Tomato Roma Tomato 2012 Big Red Tomato 2012 Cherry Tomato 2012 Sweet Corn Hybrid Sweet Corn Hybrid Squash Bobcat Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Lettuce Raptor M.I. Blue Lake Pole Bean...
  9. zantrax

    seeds HP22B Germination ??

    I sowed a bunch of seeds on Jan 3rd, about 10 varieties, in peat pellets, 3 pellets per variety, 2 seeds a pellet... I had almost all my seeds germinate, but not 1 Reaper sprout, and it's been almost 5 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. Soaked seeds overnight, constant 85 degrees F, perfect...
  10. zantrax

    Heat pad

    All I can see here is a potential fire hazard... Try the top of your fridge, probably a lot safer!