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  1. lock203

    chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

    Thanks for the update Tex. Wasn't expecting to see the yellow at all.
  2. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Feed the plants today and it is always easier to take pics when I feed them. I'm starting to see a lot of pods on my plant. I put a chair in the pic so you can get a sense of the size. Here are some pod pics.
  3. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    Feed all my plants today and it's easier to take pics when they aren't so close together. Here are the 4 in the tent. The 7 pot in coco is in front and in the tent is a dwc 7 pot dwc reaper and cayenne in coco Mostly the top of the 7 pot. The reaper in dwc. I trimmed a bunch of leaves off...
  4. lock203

    Increasing pepper set.

    I had hot wax and serranos produce like crazy under 12 -12 under a 400watt hps my supers are at 15 right now they were losing a tons flowers under 18 I went down to 15 and about a week later I now have quite a bit of pods forming.
  5. lock203

    Increasing pepper set.

    I said not to go under 12 12, but decreasing the light by a couple hours from where they are during veg tricks the plants into thinking it is getting later in the season and they put more energy into reproducing.
  6. lock203

    Increasing pepper set.

    How long are your lights on? You can try to decrease the light cycle by a couple hours as long as you don't go under 12 12, it takes the plants a week or 2 to adjust but it should help with pod set.
  7. lock203

    chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

    Here are what mine are looking like. The 1st 2 pics are my biggest pods, I have not seen any with the stingers yet. That is a quarter in the pics.
  8. lock203

    chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

    Those guys are big! Thanks!
  9. lock203

    Jester's Glog - 2012 - 2013 Carolina Reaper (HP22B), Peach Bhut, Primo and Yellow Douglah

    Very nice set up Jester! Looking forward to seeing your progress. You might have a little fert burn on those plants. It was kind of tough to see in the video, but a good way to tell is look at the edges of the leaves if they are turning yellow I would cut back a little. The upward curling of...
  10. lock203

    chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

    Very nice update Tex, beautiful plant you have there. Can I ask how big those pods are? Mine are about the size of a nickel so I'm guessing yours are bigger, but mine don't have tails. I will post a pick to compare but thought I would ask 1st.
  11. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    So I decided that Scratch was right, my plants needed a nicer pot than the 30 cent one they were in. I transplanted into 5 gallon root maker pots. This was not fun transplanting these guys by myself.
  12. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    I know, I got a stack of really nice 5 gallon Root Maker pots that just taunt me to be used.
  13. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Thanks Chewi! They are in 7 quart pots right now, I'm afraid to put to put them in a bigger size for fear of them getting even larger.
  14. lock203

    Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.

    They are all pretty much the same, I use either calimagic from GH or cal mag from botanicare just depends which one I have more of when I run out. Currently I'm using the calimagic right now.
  15. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Quick update. I've had to move/get rid of some plants to give my reaper a little more room. Here it is next to my bhut, these 2 plants have taken up my entire 4x4 area under the 4ft 8bulb t5. Reaper is the plant on the left. Pods are starting to grow, I find a bunch of new ones everyday...
  16. lock203

    Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.

    It won't hurt anything, but it won't work as well as synthetics in the dwc since most organic nutes are heavy/thicker some of it will sink to the bottom. Give it a try it might help.
  17. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    Haha thanks scratch, I've seen the pics. I ended up throwing the one that didn't have pods yet out and repotted the one with peppers. I moved the 7 pot in coco into the tent, then noticed that i didn't have room for the cayenne. I set it right outside the front of the tent and moved the light...
  18. lock203

    Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.

    Nice roots there. Are you adding any cal mag? That might be a calcium deficiency, and cal mag also acts as a buffer for the ph.
  19. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    Well the only seeds I have left were from the same pack that grew the cayennes. Jester I pm'd my address, thanks again. I did find 2 packs of reaper seeds one unopened so if you would like some of them for trade jester let me know. I have a question about Peters, do they grow completely...
  20. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    Thanks for offer Jester, but I think I have a extra pack of seeds from pepperjoe at work. I will check tomorrow and let you know.