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  1. Ferby

    food Pancakes

    I don't know half of the flour types
  2. Ferby

    Pepper varieties for a cool coastal climate? (First post, and hello...)

    Better safe than sorry Welcome from Denmark
  3. Ferby

    Help identifying the issues with these Ghost Peppers

    Don't mind the bugs. Super tiny and float on water sounds like springtails. They live in the soil and don't do any harm. Maybe they are even beneficial
  4. Ferby

    favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

      I have some seeds if you are interested. My two plants have been growing in my windowssill the last couple of years. This year they go into the soil and we will see how they handle the danish winter :dance:
  5. Ferby

    White Hot Peppers 2017

      That is amazing! you just got yourself a (first?) danish costumer :D 
  6. Ferby

    Anyone still growing the SB7J?

      Cool dudes! If you get some nice pods maybe you could put a picture up here:
  7. Ferby

    Chocolate Moruga Brains (Varigated?)

    I have seen pictures of a purple ornamental with variegation. But yes, It's actually a quite rare trait, never thought about that
  8. Ferby

    Anyone still growing the SB7J?

    Just found some seeds from my old plant. They are already sown ! So I stumbled upon this post and now i'm wondering: are anybody still, STILL growing the SB7J?
  9. Ferby

    Chocolate Moruga Brains (Varigated?)

      Wow haven't seen it on true leaves before. Will be cool to see how they grow out in a couple of weeks :) 
  10. Ferby

    Chocolate Moruga Brains (Varigated?)

    IMO It looks like it is just air reflecting the light inside the leaf. Probably because of small damages from growing out of the seed. I'll bet it is only the cotyledons that are variegated :D    Would be cool with a variegated superhot though!
  11. Ferby

    Meatfreak's 2017 Glog

    Nice list. White bubblegums, CGN's and homemade hybrids. What's not to like? :P    I have really enjoyed all the photos of BBG7 colors you have grown previously, so keep up the good work.   Good luck and may your hybrids grow to what you want them to be.
  12. Ferby

    chinense Brown/Chocolate Bhutlah

      Yes! somebody has to write a book on superhot pepper history. With plenty of pictures of scorching peppers and tropical islands!       Super interesting! So why is it called TSMB if it isn't from trinidad and not blended with anything :D 
  13. Ferby

    8,5 hours to grow 3 mm root must be a record #papertowelmethod

    8,5 hours to grow 3 mm root must be a record #papertowelmethod
  14. Ferby

    baccatum Aji White Lightning Bolt

    :dance: Wow they look awesome
  15. Ferby

    Greeting From Denmark

    Velkommen ;)
  16. Ferby

    breeding Crossing Capsicum Flexuosum?

      Actually it does matter sometimes. If you look at the table on bottom of this page it sometimes does matter who is the father and the mother. Sadly this table does not include C. flexuosum, but it might help you find the possible species you can cross it with.   I'm looking forward to learn...
  17. Ferby

    Color Naming Convention

    :dance:  :dance:  :dance:   We need the chai latte pepper!   :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
  18. Ferby

    Piribibi F3 Purple Umbrella

    These look awesome Donnie. Are you trying to find one that mature to white/pale as the final color? Or do you want to keep them red?
  19. Ferby

    Collecting cuttings in remote locations?

    I think i once heard about transporting field cuttings inside hollowed potatoes.