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  1. orrevs

    Orrevs Grow 2012

    I already started 3 weeks ago. But as i have limited with time i will try my best to update. This is my plan.... My lamp setup: 2x 300w LED panels TRIBAND (3w diodes) 1x 90w UFO (1w diodes) 7:1 RED/Blue 6x T8 6500K and 4000K Also if this will not be enuf i got a 400W MH or 600W HPS ( I...
  2. orrevs

    Topping a plant?

    Pictures, pictures :halo: :halo: :halo: :halo: :halo: I think i will try top a few plant, se what happens ;)
  3. orrevs

    Topping a plant?

    I think the proper name is Branching or something. And i say sorry for my bad grammar. But i try my best to be understood. Anyway, when and how do i know if my chiliplant should be topped (cut of the "head") So new ones will grow out and it will become more bushyier I belive that all...
  4. orrevs

    Purple bhut jolokia seeds

    Is it stable? Looks like some purple habaneros cool pods and colors. But to call it a bhut i dont know.. If its stable i will prob buy a pack lovely colors for sure.
  5. orrevs

    chinense My Peach Habaneros have no heat!!

    Pink habs for sure.
  6. orrevs

    wanted Desperately Seeking Blondie

    I grew them 3-4 years ago productive plant and had a taste of pineapple. I got some seeds if anyone needs and want to trade. //Oscar
  7. orrevs

    Best Habanero for cold & wet

    What about the regular Orange Habanero? I do not know if it like it wet but i dont think any chili plant want it to wet. And Hot peppers are always kinda slow to get ripe. But i would def try Orange hab. //Oscar
  8. orrevs

    Harry's 2011/2012 Grow Log

    Well done !! Well done!! :)
  9. orrevs

    chinense My Peach Habaneros have no heat!!

    Thats is what i thought before i read your comment! I grow those pink habaneros for 2 years now. I love them but no heat at all. And mine looks exactly like the ones he posted pictures on here.! SO my bet is those are pink habs. As unripe they are identical with the ones i grew. //oscar
  10. orrevs

    "Soft flesh" pepper varieties and information

    I have a strain of Jalapeno Hercules that do just that. As soon as they turn fully red they get very soft makes it even hard to cut them up as they will just be a mess. But not all my Jalapeno hercules turned out like this i also found them to be less hot then the another Hercules with hard...
  11. orrevs

    Orrevs 2011 grow log

    I use biogrow and use as much as the packet says....THey got a very good table. And when i want the plant to bloom out i use BioGrow and BioBloom once it start to set pods i stop the biogrow and only use Biobloom. Also on some plants i also use Topmax but only on the ones i really want loads of...
  12. orrevs

    Want to say how much i love this forum and say thanks to a few members.

    First off i want to say this forum is awesome i got so much varietys in trades the last two years its crazy. Even bought some seeds. I alway login and surf 30min - 1h per day. Now i haven't had the same time so have allot to catch up. I want to say BIG thank you agin to Smokemaster who really...
  13. orrevs

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    My Bhut Jolokia Chocolate was bright green as unripe. So you should be all good harry! Keep the updates coming. :)
  14. orrevs

    Anyone able to ship peppers to Norway?

    Not fresh ones but i got powder ,hole dry pods and flakes from superhots and a few c. baccatum. Let me know if its interesting in a pm. /Oscar
  15. orrevs

    Walka 2012 Grow

    Thats why i said trouble :) I know some will grow but far away from all. I had a aji cristal that i let ripe in a sunny window and it gives me 90% rate of the seeds. But store bought jalapenos i think will be hard to grow as green as they pick them asap they reach there final size. :) So...
  16. orrevs

    Walka 2012 Grow

    Take seeds from ripen Jalapenos and not green ones if you plan on growing the seed. Or you will have trouble on getting them grow.
  17. orrevs

    Another lottery seeds give a way

  18. orrevs

    wanted Looking for a few seeds to trade

    Not much of a action here, so i will post a few varitys i got to trade with. 7 pot burgundy Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Mini Mini Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon etc... Any takers?
  19. orrevs

    wanted Looking for a few seeds to trade

    i am looking for ..... T.S (RED) (Isolated) T.S ButchT (Isolated) Trinadad Perfume Purple Bhut Jolokia Trepadeira Werner C. baccatum¨ C. galapagoense CGN 21502 C. eximium C. Tovarii Anciano C. chacoense Medusa Petenero Zanahoria Triangulo C. chinense 7pot Barrackpore Bhut Jolokia Chocolate...