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  1. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Sure.  I'll give you a few to try in 2017.       I haven't seen my mantises around in a while, thought maybe they'd all dispersed... and then all of a sudden today:   They're getting big!
  2. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I beg your indulgence as I include a non-pepper comment here.   A few years ago I picked a fruit from a tree while visiting California and grew out the seed, but was never sure what it was exactly.  Now that it's flowering, I'm pretty sure it's Syzygium paniculatum... at any rate a Syzgium of...
  3. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Sure, let's see how many seeds it give me when the time comes.  The CGN and the Donne Sali tend to put out pods like that.  The CGN is from the Northern Mariana Islands... perhaps they are 'special' in more ways than one?   12 Beautiful Islands The U.S. Military Has Tested Weapons On...
  4. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I've been seeing color here and there.   Ripe Assam Bhuts:     Seven Pod Yellow:   CGN 17020 (C. frutescens):   Naga Suomi:   Guwahati Bhut:   My more-productive-than-last-year's Pink Tiger:   Freaky CGN 17020:   Impact Bhut, just a nice bhut-type chili pepper really:   Calling it My...
  5. Spicegeist

    bpiela's 2016 Glog

    Love the way the Scotch Brains turned out!  About the galapagoense, they can be fickle.  I've had plants in the past that were super robust and great producers, and others that barely spat out a few measly pods.  Must the variation that comes with being a wild pepper as opposed to a more...
  6. Spicegeist

    Zing 2016/2017

    Looks great!  I agree with hpHarry... you are going to be quite busy!
  7. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Assam Bhut entering orange phase... soon it will turn red...
  8. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Haha, thanks MW.  I'll save the seed from this particular pod in case anyone wants to increase their chances of getting freaky pods... that is if this is a genetic trait... it may not be, I really have no idea.
  9. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I've seen other people get pods like this, but this is my first freaky mutant bhut pod.  Same pod, different angles:  
  10. Spicegeist

    alkhall 2016

    Simply amazing  :onfire:    Very exciting grow you have going on there!
  11. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        They still might be interesting even though they crossed.  I have Naga King seed I know is pure... I can send you some for next year's grow.
  12. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Impact Bhut flower and developing pod:     Assam Bhut:   Guwahati Bhut:   Naga Suomi:   Dorset Naga:   Naga King:   Red Bhut:   My [precious] Bhut:
  13. Spicegeist

    Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

    That's some intense heat and stress for the plants... I hope some pull through.
  14. Spicegeist

    Marvin's 347 grow 2k16

    Superhots are great.  Looks like you're having a nice grow, good work!
  15. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Thanks Devv!     Well, it's almost certainly a cross... I'll send you seed if you like, I'm not going to grow it again...
  16. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Pink Tiger today:
  17. Spicegeist

    Pepperhead1989 2016 GLOG

    Choco hab is a nice variety :cool:
  18. Spicegeist

    Stickman's 2016 Gochu Glog- Transplanting is Finished

    Looking good.  Now that you know the color is right, you can just pluck that runt so it stops taking up nutrients.
  19. Spicegeist

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Thanks Datil.  It has taken quite a bit of trial and error and getting lucky to collect the bhuts and nagas I have going.  I'm always surprised at how simplistic articles I find on the internet are about the bhut and naga varieties.  As if there's one Bhut Jolokia.  I even see pictures in...
  20. Spicegeist

    OCD 2016

      I've been doing the same.  I tried growing a Thai Hot this year, but just couldn't give it enough sun to thrive.  Chinenses do better with the limited sun situation I have on my patio.