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  1. Skydiver

    Inca's Wild chili's season 2010

    The mini mini and the CAP213 have awesome looking flowers.
  2. Skydiver

    harvesting How do I harvest a Tabasco?

    I use a small pair of scissors, as well. If you're going to keep growing that infernal pod producing machine, get a good pair. You'll be using them. Frequently. Seriously, I would harvest my three tabasco plants three times a week last year. Those plants just don't stop.
  3. Skydiver

    a beginners grow log (chefben4)

    Great looking pods!
  4. Skydiver

    Barrackpore 7 Pot Global Grow Log

    I'll see your bump and add more bumpage to the mix! I'm with ya, mate. Love the plant, scared as all get out of the pods. Trini, you da man.
  5. Skydiver

    Sky's 2010 season.

    Front raised bed. Lot of stuff in a smaller than it should be area, but things are growing well, so I'm not gonna muck around with it. 1-An unknown leftover pepper I stuck in there cause I couldn't let it die. I think it's a Datil but I'm not sure. 2-Yellow/Orange Manzano 3-7 Pot Jonah...
  6. Skydiver

    Sky's 2010 season.

    Continued... Seeds labelled Antillais Caribbean. Looking different than what I saw in Hippy's vid, but the plant is loaded with pods. Absolutely choked with them. Whatever this plant is, I like it. Caribbean Reds. Three of these plants in the ground and they're finally starting to show...
  7. Skydiver

    Sky's 2010 season.

    Updated pod porn time. 7 Pot Jonahs. Plant is full of em. Good times. 7 Pot Yellows looking deliciously evil and bumpy and gnarly. Quite a lot of peppers on that plant, as well. Red Savina with a respectable showing. Not loaded with pods, but still quite a few on the plant, and I'm...
  8. Skydiver

    Sky's 2010 season.

    Rained like mad here today. At one point I looked out of my window and it was raining f'ing UPWARD. Seriously? Potted peppers got hammered. Hopefully they're not too damaged. My early start tomato plants were all laying on the ground. Tore right through the cloth I had them tied with and in...
  9. Skydiver

    Why has no one produced this pepper yet?

    /backs out of this thread verrrrry verrrrry slowly.... :shocked:
  10. Skydiver

    Mikes 2010 super hots aerogarden grow log.

    The local Lowe's here sells more of the nutrient tabs for when you run out. Easier than ordering them through the website if your local store sells them, as well. Edit for: if you're going to move one of the peppers to a soil, they take a while to get used to the change. Don't lose hope if...
  11. Skydiver

    Sky's 2010 season.

    My overwintered Trinidad Scorpion is turning a bit yellow, dropping leaves, generally not looking good. You know what? I'm ok with that. I'm not all that impressed with that plant. It has the heat, but I wasn't all that crazy about it's (lack of) flavor. I seriously doubt I'll ever grow one...
  12. Skydiver

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    Welcome aboard.
  13. Skydiver

    newbie plant issues with pictures

    How much sun/shade are they getting and did you harden them off to full sunlight?
  14. Skydiver

    Do you prefer your super hots over your others?

    I will eat a whole pod of every chili I'm growing this year, but my supers are mostly going to be going into sauces/concentrates. Chocolate Habanero, at this point, is my hands down favorite pepper. I think it tastes incredible, the smell is great, it's not so hot that it fraks up my mouth and...
  15. Skydiver

    How long do Black Pearl's take to ripen?

    I'm waiting for my pearls to ripen up as well, but I'm cool with them taking a long time, I love the black color and the purple foliage of that plant. I'm probably going to put it in a better looking container and just keep it around for the looks, they're gorgeous plants. Red pods will make...
  16. Skydiver

    harvesting Harvest Time

    Rock on, man, nice harvest.
  17. Skydiver

    Bumble Bees

    I've seen quite a few honey bees in my back yard. Not a lot of bumblebees, though.
  18. Skydiver

    pics Pics of my plants and a few questions...

    The curly sweet banana peppers should be ok, happened to quite a few of the ones I grew last year. Stunted Tabasco, do you see any roots growing out of the drainage holes? Could be that you just need to repot it into a bigger container or into the ground, whichever you were thinking of. No idea...
  19. Skydiver

    Another 2010 grow log.

    Your biggest tom, is it the Better Boy? I am seriously afraid of the one I have in my "Yellow" pepper bed, it's a frakkin monster and I have to trim it every three or four days or it would engulf the two plants on either side. Have you tasted the BB toms yet? Good looking first harvest.
  20. Skydiver

    Jacob's 2010 Season

    How are those Cherokee Purples? I started a few of those this year because the name sounded cool more than anything. No idea what they taste like. Peppers are looking mighty fine, too. Those Yellow Scorpions sure are a funny shade of yellow, eh? :rofl: