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  1. R

    New guy

    How do I do so? I looked in "threds", but didn't find ID as an option. Sorry, I'm new and don't know how to navigate this site.
  2. R

    New guy

    Thank you all! Question: I put some peppers in a window to ripen, but they turned white instead of the color they're supposed to. Are they still any good?
  3. R

    misc Question on edibility.

    Once a pepper has scalded (tried ripening in a window), is it any good? Had Yellow Reapers and Dragon's Breath that were still green, but are now white. 😫
  4. R

    New guy

    Hello. My name is Randy.
  5. R

    Sorry about the second word being "period". I was using voice to text and didn't proof read.

    Sorry about the second word being "period". I was using voice to text and didn't proof read.
  6. R

    Hello period I am a new member with a question period I left my peppers in the sun on the window...

    Hello period I am a new member with a question period I left my peppers in the sun on the window sil too long (to ripen up) and they have turned white. Are they still any good? These are Yellow Reapers and Dragon's Breath.