Search results

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    Naga Snake Bite

    Blair's Original Death Sauce. Not too hot, great flavor. Kato's Down South. A bit more heat, but the taste is awesome.
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    A happy Easter everybody!

    Happy Easter. I hope the wife let's me work through it though!
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    event Richmond Va. Chili Cook-Off

    Richmond Raceway Complex Sat. Apr.19 11am till 7pm Rain or Shine! Anybody coming? Bubba, you gonna be here? Still in the air for us. So many irons in the fire, I can't make plans yet. Supposed to be able to get or win free tickets at
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    THP on MySpace!

    I have a space there somewhere or the other. Probably under tinner666, but not sure. Haven't learned how to use the place, but get a lot of friend requests from hookers, or porn stars????? Weird.
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    Hello from the UK

    Welcome! Enjoy the site.
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    Hello from a Newbie

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    Welcome! Eat what you like!
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    I'm an evil, heartless bastard. My student told me so...

    You were too easy on them.
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    Welcome back. I've been absent a lot too. I had to put the sauce biz on hold for awhile. Hope to resume later this year.
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    New sauce line in AL

    Nice emblem. Are you going to develop the site any?
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    Kato's Meaner Greener

    Never though of marinating shrimp.
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    Wing Sauce.

    Wish I could cook.:( I just use Defcon1 and add some Jersey Death to it for heat. Kinda dings the flavor if I add too much.
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    hot-sauce Desert Pepper XXX Habanero Pepper Sauce

    Final Answer might be your ticket. I like it on a toothpick every now and then. A 1/2" of so is nice. Just dab it, and lay it on your tongue and suck for a while. The sensations can last 30 minutes or more. It has some heat to it.:hell:
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    free Free Links for Makers and Sellers

    I looked again. I had forgotten to take some PP and older RoF code out. I removed it and republished. Any better? Other than that background. I'm still experimenting there.
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    free Free Links for Makers and Sellers

    What did I miss John. Let me know. Everything seems to be working correctly. The Ring of Fire and Ring of Smoke links haven't been implemented yet. They do that.
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    My Beef with e-mails

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    Sauce Links dot Com

    Site is up and running. Basic site and being developed on the fly. Also planning on some form of paid linking too. Sponsors, highlites, or something to make YOUR site stick out.
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    free Free Links for Makers and Sellers

    How should the Ring of Fire be listed? Just do a Ring of Fire member at bottom of home, or better yet, each page?
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    free Free Links for Makers and Sellers

    Well, it's not up yet. I own the dot dom and related dots. It's been a lot of work and I have a ways to go. When I get it posted, you fellows are going to have to see if you're listed and let me know If I leave you out. I'll post the link when the site is posted.
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    Happy Birthday Kato

    Cool! More good years to ya too!