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  1. FuzzyIguana

    nutrients Has anyone ever used "X Nutrients"

    Yes tomatoes silly! I heard you can get into some real trouble talking about tomatoes on this pepper site haha...
  2. FuzzyIguana

    I'm a new member from Ohio!

    Wow thank you!
  3. FuzzyIguana

    indoor Tent + Lights for Complete Indoor Growing

    I just purchased a tent off for my aeroponic peppers. I can tell you honestly that it is one of the best, quality-made tents I've seen. My friend works at a hydroponic shop and said this would easily sell for $200+. If you are interested the link is below. 100% Mylar covering inside...
  4. FuzzyIguana

    nutrients Has anyone ever used "X Nutrients"

    My friend works at a local hydroponics shop and was given samples of "X Nutrients" brand. All liquid nutes. Veg, Flower, and Micro. Wondering if anyone else has heard of or used this brand. I've read online and watched YouTube videos regarding the brand. Any feedback would be appreciated...
  5. FuzzyIguana

    I'm a new member from Ohio!

    Hello everybody! My name is Matt. I'm a new member on The Hot Pepper! I grow aeroponics/hydroponics. Looking forward to many discussions and much learning! Regards.