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  1. FadeToBlack

    Suppose to be Black Scorpion Tongue

    Not sure what it is but its surely not a chinense. My mistake was thinking it was supposed to be a devils tongue.
  2. FadeToBlack

    My 2 pepper trees

    Wow, that's all I can say!
  3. FadeToBlack

    GA GH's garden picts & more

    Very nice pics and plants! Looks awsome!
  4. FadeToBlack

    plant Are any plants labeled Habaneros Really Habaneros?

    I think it is a chinense at least.
  5. FadeToBlack

    Where White Flies come from

    I would dump diesel over the fence at night. Nothing will survive...
  6. FadeToBlack

    PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

    Wow Greg, they look amazing! I can't wait to get back to this point!
  7. FadeToBlack

    Fade's 2012 Glog

    Thanks! Yeah those goat peppers I found at the grocery store lol. I should start seeing some pods in a few months hopefully.
  8. FadeToBlack

    D|KiNG's Humble growlog...2012---little girls sprinkle some powder on their food

    Very nice yellow 7 scorpions! One of my favorites.
  9. FadeToBlack

    pepper id help..

    Can only say that the orange ones look like habs, not sure about the others though. Did you actually get seeds to germinate after they were frozen?
  10. FadeToBlack

    Anyone 123

    Look like Cascabel peppers.
  11. FadeToBlack

    Fade's 2012 Glog

    Since I have moved the plants out to the front porch to receive morning to mid day full sun they have adapted very well and hardened off. They should really start to take off with all the extra sunlight they are getting. Here are some of my new babies. De Arbol, Nagabon, Butch T Scorpion...
  12. FadeToBlack

    What is Causing This???

    Reminds me of the horrors I went though with mites in 2010. Looks very similar...
  13. FadeToBlack

    plant Are any plants labeled Habaneros Really Habaneros?

    I would say Fatali but they were darker green when I grew them. Hmm
  14. FadeToBlack

    Bishop's Crown?

    That really sucks, I hate when you take the time to grow something and its not even close to what you thought it would be.
  15. FadeToBlack

    Please help ID those !

    Agree, looks like it could be one of those.
  16. FadeToBlack

    Fade's 2012 Glog

    Yeah, I am currently trying in the front porch with the morning sun instead. Will keep a close eye on them because even early in the morning it is very hot and intense here. Yes it is especially when your as impatient as I am lol. Thanks
  17. FadeToBlack

    My Black Pearl + ID - 07/8 - getting red!!!

    Are the black pearls any good for eating or are they just for decoration?
  18. FadeToBlack

    Peppers are producing like mad this year!

    Looks amazing! Love the reggae tune lol
  19. FadeToBlack

    Look at the Difference between 2 Sport pepper plants....

    The plants I put in the ground have always grown bigger and more productive than those I have put in pots. (I use 7 gallon nursery pots at the final stage) In the ground the plants have unlimited room for root expansion, especially with good soil. I have had chocolate habs and fatali plants...
  20. FadeToBlack

    Windchicken Grow 2012

    Wow! they look great Gary! Especially those Bonda's, I grew them in 2010 and they are delicious.