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  1. backyardpepper

    seeds Leaves twisting on Jalapeno seedling.

    Yeah there were black/brown dots where the leaves were twisting.. My guess is that the flies that loved to sit on that plant brought something onto the seedling. The seedlings grew a little more and the ones touching the twisted one were also getting those dots and twisting their leaves. I...
  2. backyardpepper

    greenhouse Greenhouse film question.

    Do you know any sites/stores that sell that?   Oh and will that film still work out? Which one should I choose 4mil or 6mil? I guess since it wont last long I can use 4mil and just replace it next year..
  3. backyardpepper

    greenhouse Greenhouse film question.

    What type of greenhouse film should I use for my greenhouse?   I found this one:   and this one:   I'd like to keep the price down as I have already spent nearly all my funds on the...
  4. backyardpepper

    How do you store your peppers?

        Why do some people roast peppers on the grill? What does it do?
  5. backyardpepper

    When do you guys replant seedlings?

            Would now be a good time to replant or should I wait a little longer?
  6. backyardpepper

    When do you guys replant seedlings?

    I have a bunch of seedlings and I don't know when to replant them into solo cups. So when do I do it?
  7. backyardpepper

    favorite What are your favorite low heat peppers?

    Thanks! Do you know how much those sites charge for shipping?
  8. backyardpepper

    favorite What are your favorite low heat peppers?

      Where can I buy these Aji seeds?
  9. backyardpepper

    Why did I wait this long?

    I'm the same! I have contemplated growing peppers for 3 years. Last year I bought a 1 yr old jalapeno plant for $5 at lowes and built a small raised bed for it. Got kinda boring watching it since it didn't grow at all so I just gave up on it.. Never really watered it, never put any fert on it...
  10. backyardpepper

    seeds Leaves twisting on Jalapeno seedling.

          Sorry for not replying to this, but look all my plants are perfect and this one is twisted up. It can't be what I'm feeding it and it can't be over watering it because I water them all the same and feed them all the same...  
  11. backyardpepper

    What flowers do you grow with your peppers?

    I have a bunch of cats so rabbits wont be a problem... Raccoon's and possums on the other hand come around from time to time. Do you think they will do anything to the crops?
  12. backyardpepper

    What flowers do you grow with your peppers?

    I want to plant some flowers with my peppers so that I get good bugs around my peppers year round. What do you guys plant next to them? How many do you have per pepper plant?
  13. backyardpepper

    favorite What are your favorite low heat peppers?

    I've noticed a lot of people grow "Aji" varieties, what does Aji even mean?
  14. backyardpepper

    favorite What are your favorite low heat peppers?

    Those sound very tasty, I'll have to grow some in the future.
  15. backyardpepper

    favorite What are your favorite low heat peppers?

    I like Jalapeno since that is the only low heat pepper I have tried... What do you guys like?
  16. backyardpepper

    How do you store your peppers?

    I want to get a good idea on how to store peppers. I want to store dehydrated and not dehydrated peppers but I have no clue how they will stay the most fresh, what do you guys do? Oh and where do you guys store your ground pepper and pepper flakes?
  17. backyardpepper

    Carolina Reaper x Dorset Naga

    Ooo I'm very interested. Lets hope they turn out great!
  18. backyardpepper

    greenhouse Anyone have any green house plans?

    Ooo I like that one, how is the ventilation? Is warm inside during the winter or did you just use it as shelter from the rain?   Does the door close well?
  19. backyardpepper

    greenhouse Anyone have any green house plans?

    I looked at greenhouse's in lowes, home depot, and some hardware stores close to me. All of them had very small greenhouses with a very big price. Like 2ftx3ft is $80. I'm not willing to pay that much for a greenhouse that probably wont even stay up for a long time and will not even hold a good...
  20. backyardpepper

    seeds Leaves twisting on Jalapeno seedling.

    This Jalapeno seedling's leaves are curling up for some reason... I have Another Hungarian Hot Wax that has the same thing just not as bad. I've noticed flies like to sit on both of them and not on the other ones. They are the only ones that have curling to the leaves. Could someone help me out...