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    I just order 5 pack of seed from Judy and when i received my mail today, 11 seed packages were in the mail. Thank you as always. :)
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    Newb from Charlotte, NC

    Welcome from MA
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    auction MFRB fresh pod auction- Closed.

    wow, good combination, will those pod come with label? i put $30
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    Any one else have just a terrible year for pods?

    i have around 6 lb harvest of supperhot, plus 3-4 pound i order, my mother ruined 2 lbs during drying. I also have few hundred supperhot outside not ripe, but the weather is chill, so i have to bring in as well.
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    vendor Joemomma Mixed Boxes

    Just received my box today, and a freebee powder, the pods look great, thank you. Will gladly buy again in the future.
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    vendor smileyguy697

    Thank Mike, i just received your pods todays, they are great, pods look fresh, and healthy. Those seed will give me a great plant next years.
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    Thank you for the contest :)
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    Greetings from Boston

    :welcome: from Easton MA
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    Anyone growing Yaki blue?

     can someone spare a newbie, i mean sale me some of their seed once it available? plz
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    5 sfrb's $15 each! *closed*

    i want trinidad morovas, brazillian red, and 7 pod jonah mix in one SFRB? can it be done?
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    Hello from Waldorf, Maryland

    :welcome:  from MA
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    shopping Buying Seeds

    I bough the seed from the guys himself. But either ways, since it a cross between both, i wonder if i should stop grow bhut and douglah all together. Some of them have bhut shape, some have a tail and some don't. The red version is not the same as the brown at all. However, i like the JAFSH...
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    shopping Buying Seeds

    Bhutlah Slp is still unstable i think, i still get like 4 or 5 pod variation from his seed.
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    you can turn them to bonsai plant too, or u can put 3 to 4 plants with the same species in the...

    you can turn them to bonsai plant too, or u can put 3 to 4 plants with the same species in the same pots to save space.
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    Hi UK grower indoor grower here
