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  1. Zippy

    Growing in More White Stuff 2021

    '24 update. This year I scaled down the pepper section and grew different things. I tried some sweet potato and jerusalem artichoke for something new as well as some government regulated subtropicals. The sweet potato did just well enough to try it again. June was very cold and rainy this year...
  2. Zippy

    Growing in More White Stuff 2021

    Sorry guys I've was dealing with some prostitus issues and took no pictures of the '22 summer season. So I'll cram everything into one post. It was so so. The season was a sea-saw. One week blistering temperatures and the next week at or near frosts for nights. All season long like that. Not...
  3. Zippy

    baking Dessert Sauce

    "Damn, I was looking for a sauce for the desert" You got me... it must be the sauce... :hi:
  4. Zippy

    baking Dessert Sauce

    I'll have to remember that for next time. Thanks.
  5. Zippy

    baking Dessert Sauce

    Hey there I thought I would try my hand at a blueberry Caribbean type sauce. I sweetened it up some to bring out the blueberry flavour. The first attempt I used scorpion powder I had dried from last season. While good, only I and no one else could eat it. I guess my tolerances have gone up. On...
  6. Zippy

    Growing in More White Stuff 2021

    I tried paper lanterns a few years ago. They do mature earlier. Last frost is around the 28th of May. First frost is usually 12th of September. If you count nights above 10C for exotic varieties, add another three weeks to about mid June to start the growing season. That roughly equates to about...
  7. Zippy

    Growing in More White Stuff 2021

    Thanks guys. Talas, I was originally looking at Orange Spice but BakerCreek sold out of them before I got any. The alternative was Biker Bill. Despite giving me grief, it was hands down the sweetest jalapeno I've ever grown. You could just go at them raw off the plant. However they took a full...
  8. Zippy

    scovilles Fresh Fresno vs Habanero

    I cannot comment on the Fresnos but I can comment on green, unripe habaneros. Mix them with bitter salad greens. Lights everything up and the green taste of the unripe habanero is delightful especially with arugula. Then again you'll get about 2/3 or so of the heat so unless you are used to heat...
  9. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    We hit 0 briefly for only an hour and the winds stayed in the 50s kph. So I guess we faired okay. I left the butternut squash untouched and it looked grumpy but the green hasn't left it yet. So I think it will hang on for a bit yet which is what I was expecting.
  10. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    Just very gusty here so far. Covering was difficult in these winds. I doubt it'll go negative. Hope you make out okay DF!
  11. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    Chance of frost so I took down the tomatoes and squash. Got about 100lbs tomatoes. Only had a camera available for the squash unfortunately. Tried some new varieties. They are kinda hard to grow in a short season but you get the idea...
  12. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    If I have extra I'll look into it.
  13. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    Will be making a plum ketchup that I like using with roasted chicken. Actually. But yeah, getting constipated is a close second. lol
  14. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    Three guesses as to what I was doing today.
  15. Zippy

    Welcome to The NEW Hot Pepper!

    I was surprised how many times I check back on the food dishes until the site wasn't there. I'm a bit of puritan when it comes to tech, but I'll take THP in any form that gives me access to the recipes!
  16. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

      I can them and it a nice way to eat them in winter. I also give some to family for deserts like cobblers and such. 
  17. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    I don't show as often but here is the sun community garden I have because you can only do so much in the shade.  Southbound     Northbound     Root crops   Squash starting to take off.             
  18. Zippy

    Gardening with Zippy

    About a week earlier than last year. More numerous, but not quite as large due to droughts.
  19. Zippy

    DF 2021 Glog

    I'm having the same problem with my garlic being early too. Looks good!
  20. Zippy

    Mattys first ever Glog "Into the fire" 2019 season

      Sorry to get your hopes up like that. :P