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  1. Gary18

    Gary 2009 season

    hello all, i have put down almost all of my seeds and have had about 45% come up so not very good germanation rates but any way the ones have got up have gone under 2 x daylight tubes 18w each and some of the bigger ones have been put under the envirolight
  2. Gary18

    My 400w MH Grow Week1

    uks avrage price per kwh is 0.10p so it says on the Currencie exchange that in usa thats 0.1454
  3. Gary18

    pics New to the forum- Here are some pics.

    hey twang20 welcome to thp
  4. Gary18

    led experiment

    led grow room
  5. Gary18

    led experiment

    dorset naga pod 7 pod
  6. Gary18

    led experiment

    strawberry dorset naga dorset naga
  7. Gary18

    led experiment

    update over winted hydro yellow jellybean rassberry
  8. Gary18

    BillyIdle's new grow room

    id put in a normal house hold fan just to get the air moveing and maby an extractor fan
  9. Gary18

    BillyIdle's new grow room

    looks great billy i agree with wordwiz about the mylar is it 2 x 250watt enviros
  10. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

  11. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

    is Sweden then ? i think not.
  12. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

    its no problem i have been lead to believe that they needed sleep but its been cleared up now :lol:
  13. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

    ok so it can be done but it doesnt look like theres much / any benefit in doing it. (is that a fair point )?
  14. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

    also just to add is 24 hour light is not natural and to me it seems like a waste of power, also in your link the pics of your plants there leaves are all curled up.
  15. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

    well then if you have quoted it you must me right..............
  16. Gary18

    seeds growing seeds...

    plants grow when its dark they store up the energy dureing the day so its not good for 24/7 light
  17. Gary18

    Yet Another DIY LED thread

    an yes there nice to look at just dont touch them or fall on them..
  18. Gary18

    Yet Another DIY LED thread

    ohh ok well thats intesting because if any lighting is producing heat its wasteing energy .... i would not have though yours would have been hot mine dont give off any its a bit of a problem as in the cupboard it can get very cool.
  19. Gary18

    Yet Another DIY LED thread

    are your leds producing alot of heat billy ?
  20. Gary18

    led experiment

    strawberrys yellow jellybean rasberry yellow tdad scorpion