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  1. Gary18

    Greetings all

    welcome from Scotland
  2. Gary18

    seeds First seeds are in the mail

    I hope you have a good 2009 season some good types there.
  3. Gary18

    Yet Another DIY LED thread

    you must be geting them very cheap what do you buy them in the 100 or 1000, also a normal 100w bulb give out 1,700 lumens so you will need well my calulator is not working but you will need rather alot but im not sure how many lumens a plant needs any one know ?
  4. Gary18

    Yet Another DIY LED thread

    ahh this will be intresting to see how it goes your leds aint pumping put very many lumens mind you but still sure it will be fine heres a calulator red per led . lumens 0.645 blue per led. lumens 1.432
  5. Gary18

    pics It's about time! - Some pics of my collection! (lots of pics - be warned!!)

    hey Pita, instead of expencive nutrients, you could add some cheap tom feed just to give them something i have seen people grow successfully in dwc with useing tom feed its better than nothing i guess. good luck
  6. Gary18

    Yet Another DIY LED thread

    hey billy, sound like the same kind of thing i am doing what is the spec on your leds mcd degree ece also how many are you useing and how big are the leds ?,this will be intresting i will say to you i would check with one led at a time because if you over power them you will blow the led and if...
  7. Gary18

    2009 Seed trading parcel for Europe??

    ehh a few hundred diffrent types :lol:
  8. Gary18

    my christmas wish list .....isnt it pretty !

    its not just the cost of the thing i bet the runing costs are huge not so bad for you guys in america as powers cheap there :lol:
  9. Gary18

    2009 Seed trading parcel for Europe??

    has a list even been started yet ? i hope you have a lot of seeds to start it lee :lol:
  10. Gary18

    seeds Starting From Seed - Where, When, & How?

    nice set up aj how much power are you useing there :shocked:
  11. Gary18

    My New Polytunnel

  12. Gary18

    My New Polytunnel

    did you find any ?:lol:
  13. Gary18

    My first chili growing and some LED testing.

    ahh ok fair enough mine are about 6 inch away
  14. Gary18

    My first chili growing and some LED testing.

    leds should not burn the plants as they should not be hot
  15. Gary18

    led experiment

    thanks will now need to see how well it works
  16. Gary18

    led experiment

    hinky you made me want to start up my bubbler again so i have and put the small led board over it to see what happens
  17. Gary18

    led experiment

    lol know ABurningMouth said dave and i wondered if he posted in the wrong thread but he edited to Gary :lol:
  18. Gary18

    led experiment

  19. Gary18

    led experiment

    also found another wee naga comeing out the flower and heres just a pic of the hole cupboard
  20. Gary18

    led experiment

    ok soo i have just taken my my weekly update photo and since you can only upload 4 photos i thoght i would show you one plant again over 3 weeks 3 weeks ago today also this rasberry plant has had 3 weeks and it has grown quite well three weeks ago today