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  1. thatguy

    soil Soil Analysis Results

    Yeah, I will either need to switch lawn ferts or not use clippings as mulch. The only ferts I have used the last two years on the peppers was fish emultion, epsom salts. Would composting the clippings would help with removal of the chemicals? I don't think it would. I guess I need to find an...
  2. thatguy

    seeds Just a thought on germination

    I think this makes perfect sense, I had a seed growing completly horizontal through the plug, it probably would have rotted if I hadn't uncovered it.
  3. thatguy

    soil Soil Analysis Results

    The tests I got were 25$, but you are able to choose what is tested for here is the urban soil sample form. It took ten days from the time they recived the sample to ship date.
  4. thatguy

    soil Soil Analysis Results

    Chemical ferts on the lawn, Correct. Great job, that slipped my mind. Cleaning up leaves from two 54 year old live oaks this weekend, fun times. thanks for the reply
  5. thatguy

    soil Soil Analysis Results

    I am proably just being impatient. The Agricultre extension at Texas A&M, I guess, that is all of the info I got, besides a paper on nutrient lockup due to high phosphorus. Yeah the PH is an easy fix, I'll have an abundance of oak leaves to add this week. The paper they sent was reffering to...
  6. thatguy

    soil Soil Analysis Results

    I sent off a sample of soil from where I plant my peppers and here are the results, they are a lot higher than I thought they would be. The only thing I have added are grass clippings and leaves over the last two years. Raising the N level (if needed) is easy but removing the excess, hell I'm...
  7. thatguy

    O so spicy

    Shitting blood sounds scary, I think I'll pass. Does it even taste good?
  8. thatguy

    media inspecting seed in peat pellet and had a problem

    I have had some milky seeds this year, they were rotten. I think mine stayed too wet.
  9. thatguy

    Buenas Noches from San Diego!

    :welcome: from Texas
  10. thatguy

    Hello from Jakarta

    :welcome: from West Texas
  11. thatguy

    Hello from OH-IO!

    :welcome: from Texas
  12. thatguy

    Greetings from NZ

    :welcome: from Texas
  13. thatguy

    Some Random Porn

    That Black Pearl looks awesome! Are they edible, if so how do they taste? Great job!
  14. thatguy

    Thatguys 2011 grow

    Yeah, I have to expand the area under the light for a few more seedlings. I have about 15 more to pot up and 26 more germinating, I think I have a problem. Good luck to you too
  15. thatguy

    Thatguys 2011 grow

    More Officially out of room
  16. thatguy

    Thatguys 2011 grow

    Update, Plants Potted up to their final pots before they go into the ground, they look better than they have for the last to years. Enjoy
  17. thatguy

    seeds Starting Seeds TOOOOO Early

    Impossilbe sir!
  18. thatguy

    seeds Planting Open Pollinated Seed

    I'm growing some OP seeds this year and I think its like flipping a coin, it either pollinated it self or got crossed. You may end up with some good crosses.
  19. thatguy

    Looky what I got

    This is where my next sauce purchase will come from sounds like awesome stuff.
  20. thatguy

    AJs 2011 Scorpion Project Plant

    This year was the first year I overwintered any plants, I rinsed all of the soil off of the roots before I potted them up and have not seen a single aphid yet. Just an observation.