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  1. LordHill

    Ot Heim

    Just tried my first Ot Heim. Very suprised at the heat level.. I am having a hell of a time finding info on it. Anyone know anything about it? Im curious what the SHU is
  2. LordHill

    Older Leaves Turning Light Green to Yellow

    They are pretty fool proof. Basically if they are droopy and look thirsty, then I give them a good deep watering. With your heat it probably needs it more often than alot of places. I just watered today.. I wish I would have took a pic of a "thirsty" pepper. Basically the leaves hang down and...
  3. LordHill

    drying Making ground pepper - problem.

    So far I have dehydrated and powdered the following Bhut Reaper Red savina Habanero Jalapeno These I have dehydrated, but not powdered... yet Black naga 7 Pot Douglah Superhot Beast So to answer your question, yes superhots get dehydrated at my house right in the kitchen. It really isnt...
  4. LordHill

    drying Making ground pepper - problem.

    Honestly when I dehydrate in the house i dont even crack a window. The A/C is running for me not the rest of the world. It smells of peppers, but it doesnt actually burn. Walking right by the dehydrator might get the ol eyes a quick watering, but its not bad *I also dont wear gloves, so maybe...
  5. LordHill

    Older Leaves Turning Light Green to Yellow

    Are you watering twice a week because they look thirsty, or just doing it? Yellow leaves can be a sign of over water as well.. might have nothing to do with your problem, but they only need water when they go "limp"
  6. LordHill

    drying Making ground pepper - problem.

    I just set mine on the island in the kitchen and let it rip.. only one of the kids ever complains, but she hates the sight of peppers so her opinion is void
  7. LordHill

    What is this?

    Excellent. I look forward to givig it a try
  8. LordHill

    What is this?

    I would say yes. Pepperlover pics of white bhut are larger than this, but they too are smooth.. hopefully we can find out about the taste and heat soon
  9. LordHill

    What is this?

    Well its unanimous, pepperlover is also where my white bhut seeds came from.. i guess this is them lol.. i like the plant, its different. Not sure I would grow it again
  10. LordHill

    dehydrators looking for a good dehydrator

    What you need is one of those outlet timers. Like you would use for outdoor christmas lights or something. Plug it in and it will turn off at the time you want.. like this $8 and your dehydrator has a timer...
  11. LordHill

    What is this?

    They were planted as white bhuts actually. They are just small and dont look like my other bhuts.. but considering first response thinks they look like what they are suppose to be I guess thats what they are. Mind if I ask your seed source?
  12. LordHill

    What is this?

    Any guesses?
  13. LordHill

    drying Making ground pepper - problem.

    Why do peppers have to be so painful? I cant be the only person who grows them for the lava heat. If I wanted to grow things not brutal I would get in the garden with the little woman
  14. LordHill

    drying Making ground pepper - problem.

    I was making suckers and powder a week ago. Ended up shaving the ol mustache off to stop the pain lol.. and unfortunately I am a nail biter, so my mouth burnt most of the day, with the occassional eye burn.. Ill tell you whats worse than powder in the air. When you put pepper powder into a pan...
  15. LordHill

    drying Making ground pepper - problem.

    Open windows and get a fan. Clear it out, you will be alright. I do most of my grinding outside when I can, but 5he dehydrator does put heavy pepperness into the air
  16. LordHill

    My First Bonchi

    Replanted as soon as the frost broke. It exploded with growth, but outward instead of upward oddly. Damn thing is a foot tall and 4 foot diameter lol.. just loaded with pods.. I only put it in a small pot, ill take a pic in a few minutes Seem to be lacking the motivation to go out to the pepper...
  17. LordHill

    breeding How do people cross peppers?

    Yes, more generations will lessen the 2%.. it will never be 100% because half of 2 is 1%. Half of 1 is .5%. Half of that is .25% and so on.. by that pace F12 would be 99.875% stable.. but 98% at F8 chance is pretty good. If someone plants 100 peppers I dont think they would be terribly upset if...
  18. LordHill

    breeding How do people cross peppers?

    If you want a plant that grows multiple types of peppers, you should look into grafting. You can make a pepper that grows all the varieties you want. It wont be a true plant, seeds wont regrow the plant, but it can be fun to play with anyway From my reading up on crossing peppers, I figure it...
  19. LordHill

    preservation Dehydrating Multiple Items Question

    I have done peppers and apple slices with no heat/flavor transfer. I was worried about heating up the apple slices on the kids so I put them on the bottom rack. My dehydrator pulls air up (probably all do, but what do I know) and blows out the top so I put peppers on the top trays. No heat or...
  20. LordHill

    Pod Porn

    I wish I could spend all day looking at porn. That would be great. Unfortunately I have to earn a living. Family to support. Either way, hope that dbag doesnt win. Clearly he doesnt think much of middle class *after mulling it over, I can honestly say I dont know anyone who looks at porn at...