Only when I get back from exercising but a shower corrects that
Sugar, I actually hate Bee Vomit
Neither. Trains
I do. I got a tattoo of Gambit from the X-Men when I was 17 on my right calf.
What do you do for a living?
What is your favourite time of the year?
If you could travel anywhere in...
Nope, a 2000 year ice-age will seem like a warm Summer day compared to what's going to happen.
Are you excited too after watching the Ironman 3 trailer?
I'm pretty sure it's some kind of variety of Santa Fe but whatever it is, it tastes really good.
Sweet, Crisp, a touch hotter than a Jalapeno, These would make an awesome salsa.
Well considering there's a 1000-trillion-trillion-trillion galaxies in the observable Universe and each of those 1000-trillion-trillion-trillion galaxies has between 80 to 200 billion stars ..... uhhhhh yeah. I believe there is life elsewhere in the Universe. Do I believe they're visiting Earth...