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  1. Skyjerk

    So how long do superhotwhateverimgrowing peppers take to ripen?

    Several other types of fruit can do the same thing Good article here on ethylene...
  2. Skyjerk

    storage Best way to store seeds?

    Put em in a seed thing
  3. Skyjerk

    So how long do superhotwhateverimgrowing peppers take to ripen?

    If I recall, its takes freakin forever. I had hab and naga pods that were full size for a couple months before they began to ripen. Had them inside in my grow room for a couple weeks and damn near all the pods are starting to turn color. Cool nights slow things down to a snails pace.
  4. Skyjerk

    Hot harvest

    You lost a lot, but you learned a lot too. Next year your Caribbean Red (and others) harvest will be astounding :hell:
  5. Skyjerk

    Hot harvest

    What kinda night time temps are you seeing out your way, BigDogDaddy? Do you ride? Just askin cuz of your name :) I have a Fat Boy myself
  6. Skyjerk

    overwintering Winter retreat

    Nothing like yours :-) Temps are usually in the 20's and 30's but will get down into teens and single digits F. at times. Close but never below zero. Occasionally we get a good snowfall, but usually just a few small storms that might provide 4-6 inches of snow. I can still ride my motorcycle...
  7. Skyjerk

    Hot harvest

    A couple of them are a bit pale and could have used another day or two on the plant, but I've found that if left at room temp for a few days in a paper bag they finish up nicely. Making sauce again next week so they will all be perfect by then.
  8. Skyjerk

    Hot harvest

    from last night. This is the largest harvest to date from my 4 little plants :hell: Naga Morich and Caribbean Reds
  9. Skyjerk

    overwintering Winter retreat

    Short answer: I dont know yet. I sprouted these plants in this grow room back in Jan, but they were still fairly small when I moved em out. Bugs were not a problem then, and I'm hoping not a problem now . This house was only built 3 years ago and the basement is clean and dry and new. Maybe...
  10. Skyjerk

    Seven Pot Images

    Really nice, man. I wish I had more room than I do I'd try some of those too. So many peppers, so little room. :(
  11. Skyjerk

    overwintering Winter retreat

    Down in my basement.
  12. Skyjerk

    Up and coming pepper garden

    That first plant looks like a vibrator tree...
  13. Skyjerk

    overwintering Winter retreat

    Dude, what is "sth"? Does it represent "Stuff" or "Shit"? I've seen you use that before but I figured it was a typo. Now its too consistent to be a typo :) By the way, you appear to have a large orange balloon for a head. Thats awesome!!
  14. Skyjerk

    overwintering Winter retreat

    They are indeed. I actually built it last year and the plants were very small and I had a stand in there that raised them up significantly closer to the lights. On my "To do" list still remains a few things. I still intend to raise these plants about 2 feet higher than they are right now. The...
  15. Skyjerk

    overwintering Winter retreat

    Some of you may recall that I built a small greenhouse to help my plants through some chilly nights. Well, the chilly nights are now accompanied by much shorter time in direct sunlight (down to about 5 hours per day) so I moved my "keepers" into their winter retreat a week ago. Two Caribbean...
  16. Skyjerk

    Excuse me Mr Fothergills

  17. Skyjerk

    Shipping sauce to Canada

    Is this advisable? I just made another batch of my "Narly Morich" last night. This stuff will eat the enamel off your teeth :) Anyway, my step-son lives in BC and he loves the hot stuff. I'd love to ship him a bottle of my sauce but I'm afraid of Canada Customs screwing it up. Do they permit...
  18. Skyjerk

    Its chile powder day

    It was only 2 trays. Took about 18 hours in the dehydrator on 120 F.
  19. Skyjerk

    Damn it, frost on Tuesday, what are my options?

    I'd take it on the chin and haul em inside.
  20. Skyjerk

    Its chile powder day

    Actually it came out more orange than red because I was too lazy to de-seed that many small peppers :) Used magic bullet which, as you know is nicely sealed to prevent clouds of fine thai dust from making life hell. As I AM able to learn from past mistakes, I did not immediately open it and...